Commercial scale tub grinding of corn stover and perennial grasses

N. Kaliyan, D. R. Schmidt, R. V. Morey, D. G. Tiffany

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13 Scopus citations


Performance of a commercial mobile tub-grinder [463 kW (630 hp)] was studied to produce coarsely ground particles from round-baled, plastic net-wrapped corn stover and native perennial grasses. The effects of grinder screen opening size [25.4 to 127.0 mm (1.0 to 5.0 in.)] and feedstock type on ground particle size, bulk density of ground biomass, throughput, specific energy consumption, and cost of grinding were studied. The bulk density of ground biomass ranged from 69 to 207 kg/m 3 with the moisture content of particles ranging from 14% to 39% (w.b.). The throughput of the grinder ranged from 6 to 45 t/h. The specific energy consumption ranged from 93 to 661 MJ/t. The estimated cost of grinding ranged from $4.39 to $31.23/t. Increasing the grinder screen opening size increased the ground particle size and throughput, but decreased the bulk density of ground biomass, specific energy consumption, and cost of grinding. High moisture bales (≥ 25% w.b.) decreased the performance of the grinder. The results from this study would be useful for developing a biomass supply logistics system involving mobile grinding.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)79-85
Number of pages7
JournalApplied Engineering in Agriculture
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2012


  • Bulk density
  • Corn stover
  • Cost of grinding
  • Perennial grasses
  • Specific energy
  • Tub grinding


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