Combination of rhIL-11 + G-CSF enhances platelet (PLT) and myeloid recovery following ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposdde (ICE) chemotherapy in children with solid tumors (ST): RML-11 is well tolerated at double the adult recommended dose

S. Goldman, V. Davenport, G. Reaman, J. Laver, S. Kreissman, B. Blazar, S. Berg, J. Kaye, F. Patterson, M. S. Cairo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


RhIL-11 has demonstrated in phase II adult trials to reduce PLT tranfusions (TX) at the recommended dose of 50 ug/kg/d.(Isaacs et al Blood 88:448a, 1996 and Tepler et al Blood 87:3607,1996) We are reporting a multi-center phase I/II trial of rhIL-11 + G-CSF following ICE (I: 1800 mg/m /d × 5d, C: 400 mg/m /d × 2d, E: 100 mg/m/d × 5d) in pédiatrie ST patients (pts). RhIL-11 + G-CSF (5u,g/kg) was administered sub-q starting on day 6 until the ANC and PLT recovered 2 IK/ mm and 2100K/mm, respectively. Twenty eight pts, median age 6 (8mos-26yrs), 12F-16M, received 25 Hg/kg (n=4), 50 ug/kg (n=14), 75 Hg/kg (n=4), and 100 ug/kg (n=6) rhIL-11. None of the 28 pts receiving rML-11 exhibited evidence of Grade III or IV toxicity attributable to rhIL-11. The percentage of pts recovering their PLT Z 100K/mm1 by day 21 during cycle 1 at rhIL-11 100 Ug/kg was 67%. These results compare favorably to previous ST pts who received identical ICE with G-CSF alone (table [median]). Cytokine ANC PLT pts PLT 2100k/mm3 # PLT Ug/kg/d aiK/mm u100K/mm by day 21 TX G-CSF (10) 21d 27d 25% 12 IL-11(100) + G(5) 17.5d 19.5d 67% 2 We conclude that although the maximum tolerated dose has not been reached in children, rhIL-11 is well tolerated at double the adult recommended dose and there appears to be an enhancement of recovery of PLT CT ï100K/mm by day 21, % pts by day 21, and decrease in PLT TX compared to historical controls with G-CSF alone.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)786
Number of pages1
JournalExperimental Hematology
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1997


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