Chromosome 14 and late-onset Familial Alzheimer Disease (FAD)

Gerard D. Schellenberg, Haydeh Payami, Ellen M. Wijsman, Harry T. Orr, Katrina A B Goddard, Leojean Anderson, Ellen Nemens, June A. White, M. Elisa Alonso, Melvyn J. Ball, Jeffrey Kaye, John C. Morris, Helena Chui, A. Dessa Sadovnick, Leonard L. Heston, George M. Martin, Thomas D. Bird

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64 Scopus citations


Familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) is genetically heterogeneous. Two loci responsible for early-onset FAD have been identified: the amyloid precursor protein gene on chromosome 21 and the as-yet-unidentified locus on chromosome 14. The genetics of late-onset FAD is unresolved. Maximum-likelihood, affected-pedigree-member (APM), and sib-pair analyses were used, in 49 families with a mean age at onset ≥60 years, to determine whether the chromosome 14 locus is responsible for late-onset FAD. The markers used were D14S53, D14S43, and D14S52. The LOD score method was used to test for linkage of late-onset FAD to the chromosome 14 markers, under three different models: age-dependent penetrance, an affected-only analysis, and age-dependent penetrance with allowance for possible age-dependent sporadic cases. No evidence for linkage was obtained under any of these conditions for the late-onset kindreds, and strong evidence against linkage (LOD score ≤ -2.0) to this region was obtained. Heterogeneity tests of the LOD score results for the combined group of families (early onset, Volga Germans, and late onset) favored the hypothesis of linkage to chromosome 14 with genetic heterogeneity. The positive results are primarily from early-onset families. APM analysis gave significant evidence for linkage of D14S43 and D14S52 to FAD in early-onset kindreds (P < .02). No evidence for linkage was found for the entire late-onset family group. Significant evidence for linkage to D14S52, however, was found for a subgroup of families of intermediate age at onset (mean age at onset ≥60 years and <70 years). These results indicate that the chromosome 14 locus is not responsible for Alzheimer disease in most late-onset FAD kindreds but could play a role in a subset of these kindreds.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)619-628
Number of pages10
JournalAmerican Journal of Human Genetics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1993


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