Charm meson spectra in e+e- annihilation at 10.5 GeV center of mass energy

M. Artuso, C. Boulahouache, S. Blusk, J. Butt, E. Dambasuren, O. Dorjkhaidav, J. Haynes, N. Horwitz, N. Menaa, G. C. Moneti, R. Mountain, H. Muramatsu, R. Nandakumar, R. Redjimi, R. Sia, T. Skwarnicki, S. Stone, J. C. Wang, K. Zhang, A. H. MahmoodS. E. Csorna, G. Bonvicini, D. Cinabro, M. Dubrovin, A. Bornheim, E. Lipeles, S. P. Pappas, A. Shapiro, A. J. Weinstein, R. A. Briere, G. P. Chen, T. Ferguson, G. Tatishvili, H. Vogel, M. E. Watkins, N. E. Adam, J. P. Alexander, K. Berkelman, V. Boisvert, D. G. Cassel, J. E. Duboscq, K. M. Ecklund, R. Ehrlich, R. S. Galik, L. Gibbons, B. Gittelman, S. W. Gray, D. L. Hartill, B. K. Heltsley, L. Hsu

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86 Scopus citations


Using the CLEO detector at the Cornell Electron-positron Storage Ring, we have measured the scaled momentum spectra, dσ/dxp, and the inclusive production cross sections of the charm mesons D+, D 0, D*+, and D*0 in e +e- annihilation at about 10.5 GeV center of mass energy, excluding the decay products of B mesons. The statistical accuracy and momentum resolution are superior to previous measurements at this energy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number112001
Pages (from-to)112001-1-112001-20
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number11
StatePublished - Dec 2004

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We gratefully acknowledge the effort of the CESR staff in providing us with excellent luminosity and running conditions. G. Moneti thanks M. Cacciari and P. Nason for very useful discussions on QCD calculations of heavy flavour fragmentation. M. Selen thanks the Research Corporation, and A. H. Mahmood thanks the Texas Advanced Research Program. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy.


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