Characterization of AluI repeats of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio).

L. He, Z. Zhu, A. J. Faras, K. S. Guise, Perry B Hackett, A. R. Kapuscinski

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31 Scopus citations


Two families of repetitive DNA sequences were isolated from the zebrafish genome and characterized. Eight different sequences were sequenced and classified by two standards, their (G + C) composition and their lengths. For convenience, the sequences were first divided into two types. Type I was (A + T)-rich, was repeated approximately 500,000 times, and constituted approximately 5% of the zebrafish genome. Type II was (G + C)-rich, was reiterated approximately 90,000 times, and comprised approximately 0.5% of the genome. Agarose gel electrophoresis of zebrafish DNA cleaved with AluI revealed three distinguishable bands of repetitive fragments: large (approximately 180 bp, designated RFAL), medium (approximately 140 bp, RFAM), and small (approximately 90 bp, RFAS). The RFAL fragments contained both type I and type II sequences. Limited digestion of genomic DNA indicated that RFAL and RFAM were tandemly arranged in the genome, whereas RFAS showed a mixed pattern of both tandem and interspersed repeated arrangements. Although inclusion of a repetitive sequence in a transgenic construct did not appreciably accelerate homologous integration of transgenes into the zebrafish genome, the AluI sequences could facilitate transgene mapping following chromosomal integration.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)125-135
Number of pages11
JournalMolecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 1992


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