Career placement of doctor of pharmacy graduates at eight U.S. Midwestern schools

Burgunda V. Sweet, Katherine A. Kelley, Kristin K. Janke, Sarah E. Kuba, Kimberly S. Plake, Luke D. Stanke, Gary C. Yee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Objective. To characterize postgraduation placement plans of 2013 doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) graduates. Methods. A cross-sectional survey of PharmD graduates from 8 midwestern colleges of pharmacy was designed to capture a comprehensive picture of graduating students’ experiences and outcomes of their job search. Results. At graduation, 81% of 2013 respondents had postgraduate plans, with approximately 40% accepting jobs and 40% accepting residencies or fellowships. Eighty-four percent of graduates reported being pleased with offers received, and 86% received placement in their preferred practice setting. Students perceived that securing residencies was more difficult than securing jobs. Students who participated in key activities had a nearly sevenfold increase in successful residency placement. Conclusion. While the demand for pharmacists decreased in recent years, responses indicated successful placement by the majority of 2013 graduates at the time of graduation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number88
JournalAmerican journal of pharmaceutical education
Issue number6
StatePublished - Sep 22 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. All rights reserved.


  • Aggregate demand index
  • Employment
  • Pharmacy graduates
  • Postgraduate plans
  • Residency


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