Cardiovascular disease risk factors in youth with diabetes mellitus: A scientific statement from the American heart association

David M. Maahs, Stephen R. Daniels, Sarah D. De Ferranti, Helén L. Dichek, Joseph Flynn, Benjamin I. Goldstein, Aaron S. Kelly, Kristen J. Nadeau, Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, Stavroula K. Osganian, Laurie Quinn, Amy S. Shah, Elaine Urbina, D. M. Maahs, S. R. Daniels, S. D. De Ferranti, H. L. Dichek, J. Flynn, B. I. Goldstein, A. S. KellyK. J. Nadeau, P. Martyn-Nemeth, S. K. Osganian, L. Quinn, A. S. Shah, E. Urbina

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139 Scopus citations


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