Calculational methods for estimating skin dose from electrons in Co 60 gamma ray beams

P. D. Higgins, C. H. Sibata, F. H. Attix, B. R. Paliwal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Several methods have been employed to calculate the relative contribution to skin dose due to scattered electrons in Co 60 γ ray beams. Either the Klein–Nishina differential scattering probability is employed to determine the number and initial energy of electrons scattered into the direction of a detector, or a Gaussian approximation is used to specify the surface distribution of initial pencil electron beams created by parallel or diverging photon fields. Results of these calculations are compared with experimental data. In addition, that fraction of relative surface dose resulting from photon interactions in air alone is estimated and compared with data extrapolated from measurements at large source–surface distance (SSD). The contribution to surface dose from electrons generated in air is 50% or more of the total skin dose for SSDs greater than 80 cm.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)622-627
Number of pages6
JournalMedical Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 1983


  • cobalt 60
  • compton effect
  • dose rates
  • electron collisions
  • electron dosimetry
  • gamma radiation
  • lucite
  • phantoms
  • radiation doses
  • scattering
  • secondary emission
  • skin


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