Biosynthesis of 2-Methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine in Pseudomonas perolens

Tai Ben Cheng, Gary A. Reineccius, Jeffrey A. Bjorklund, Edward Leete

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55 Scopus citations


On the basis of the results of labeling experiments, endogenous valine, glycine, and methionine are considered to be the precursors of 2-methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine (MIPP) produced by Pseudomonas perolens. It is postulated that the feeding of [2-13C]pyruvate results in the labeling of C-2 and C-3 of valine and C-2 of glycine, which are subsequently incorporated into MIPP. The feeding of [3-13C]- pyruvate results in the labeling of the two methyl groups of valine, C-1 and C-2 of glycine, and the methyl group of methionine. 13C NMR spectra of the MIPP produced by P. perolens in these feeding studies were consistent with the proposed biosynthetic route to MIPP and known metabolic pathways. Methyllabeled methionine arises from [2-13C]glyoxylate formed from [3-13C]pyruvate via the Krebs cycle and glyoxylate shunt.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1009-1012
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of agricultural and food chemistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 1991


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