Biomarkers in kidney and heart disease

Alan S. Maisel, Nevin Katz, Hans L. Hillege, Andrew Shaw, Pierluigi Zanco, Rinaldo Bellomo, Inder Anand, Stefan D. Anker, Nadia Aspromonte, Sean M. Bagshaw, Tomas Berl, Ilona Bobek, Dinna N. Cruz, Luciano Daliento, Andrew Davenport, Mikko Haapio, Andrew A. House, Sunil Mankad, Peter McCullough, Alexandre MebazaaAlberto Palazzuoli, Piotr Ponikowski, Federico Ronco, Geoff Sheinfeld, Sachin Soni, Giorgio Vescovo, Nereo Zamperetti, Claudio Ronco

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

46 Scopus citations


There is much symptomatic similarity between acute kidney disease and acute heart disease. Both may present with shortness of breath and chest discomfort, and thus it is not surprising that biomarkers of acute myocardial and renal disease often coexist in many physicians' diagnostic work-up schedules. In this review we explore the similarities and differences between current and future tests of myocardial and renal injury and function, with particular emphasis on the diagnostic utility of currently available biomarkers to assist with the diagnosis of cardiorenal syndromes. Imaging studies have not traditionally been viewed as clinical biomarkers, but as tests of structure and function; they contribute to the diagnostic process, and we believe that they should be considered alongside more traditional biomarkers such as blood and urine measurements of circulating proteins and metabolites. We discuss the place of natriuretic peptides, novel tests of kidney damage as well as kidney function and conclude with a discussion of their place in guiding future research studies whose goals must include better characterization of the degree of dysfunction imposed on one organ system by failure of the other.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)62-74
Number of pages13
JournalNephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011


  • acute kidney injury
  • cardiorenal syndromes
  • chronic kidney disease
  • decompensated heart failure


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