Baryonic coherent state formation from small domain disoriented chiral condensates

S. M.H. Wong, J. I. Kapusta

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2 Scopus citations


Rare hyperon yields such as the Ω and Ω̄ in heavy ion collision experiments are hard to be reproduced by numerical models. This, in combination with the thermal fit to SPS data, seems to call for a new production mechanism beyond the usual ones. Small domain disoriented chiral condensates (DCC) were proposed to be such a source of rare hyperons through skyrmion formation at the chiral phase transition. Here skyrmions are treated as coherent states of baryons on a compact manifold so that the distribution of baryons produced from a skyrmion can be known. From this more refined treatment, the number of topological defects produced are more than doubled to 30 or more and the domain size at the SPS is found to be even smaller than before at 1.1-1.5 fm. It is imperative therefore not to use only pion distribution but other means for observing DCC.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)573c-576c
JournalNuclear Physics A
StatePublished - Mar 10 2003


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