Avoiding greenwash by design: Resolving market and socio-environmental ethical conflicts

David A. Crutchfield, Matthew Lunde

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

1 Scopus citations


This paper examines the development of a broadly applicable comparative assessment framework for resolving design/specification dilemmas resulting from the clash of socio-environmental and marketplace ethics. First, the study frames the ethical standings and conflicts of each of these intentions. This process involves an initial examination of the diverse and conflicting conceptions of 'green' or 'sustainable' design. Next, a review of marketplace and consumer culture will follow, including the effects of globalization and the 'green revolution'. The study then introduces the notions of 'greenwash' and 'greenspin,' along with their implications to architecture and construction. Findings in this investigation include the development of a rational and effective determinative assessment structure. The relevance of such a framework lies in its potential application to the specification of products and/or systems utilized in the construction of architectural, engineering, and design projects intended to address socio-environmental concerns. Such a 'specifier-based' assessment tool will allow for subtle yet essential distinctions specific to many such projects, thus avoiding skewed prescriptions by well-intentioned 'third-party' agents.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationICSDC 2011
Subtitle of host publicationIntegrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry - Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction 2011
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction 2011: Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry, ICSDC 2011 - Kansas City, MO, United States
Duration: Mar 23 2011Mar 25 2011

Publication series

NameICSDC 2011: Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry - Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction 2011


ConferenceInternational Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction 2011: Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Construction Industry, ICSDC 2011
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityKansas City, MO


  • Design
  • Environmental issues
  • Ethics
  • Social factors
  • Sustainable development


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