Animal production, animal health and food safety: Gaps and challenges in the chilean industry

R. Ibarra, K. M. Rich, M. Adasme, A. Kamp, R. S. Singer, M. Atlagich, C. Estrada, R. Jacob, N. Zimin-Veselkoff, J. Escobar-Dodero, F. O. Mardones

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


This paper summarizes the gaps and challenges related to animal production, health, and food safety as discussed by a panel at the 1st International Symposium of Food Safety (ISFS) in Santiago, Chile, in December 2016. Participating representatives of academia, industry, and government and statements from the audience confirmed that food safety is essential for increasing food security. First, panelists identified the need for a science-based regulatory framework to implement effective regulations. Second, they highlighted the importance of a risk analysis framework to quantify the risk of the potential for antimicrobial resistance associated with the use of antimicrobials, and the need of studies to evaluate foodborne prevention/control strategies. Third, the challenges of filling the gaps between industry and academia were addressed, including examples of successful collaboration, opportunities, and weakness identified by industry. Finally, challenges in animal food production included issues related to changing consumer preferences, animal welfare, the use of antimicrobials, and sustainable animal production. The symposium provided a regional platform to share experiences from the implementation of methods and approaches for food safety. The roundtable successfully explored the future science and technology challenges that are of strategic importance for Chile and the region in animal health and food safety.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)114-118
Number of pages5
JournalFood Microbiology
StatePublished - Oct 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd


  • Animal health
  • Food production
  • Food safety
  • Industry-academia collaboration
  • Policy
  • Regulatory science


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