Amperometric detection of exocytosis in an artificial synapse

Ann Sofie Cans, Nathan Wittenberg, Daniel Eves, Roger Karlsson, Anders Karlsson, Owe Orwar, Andrew Ewing

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40 Scopus citations


A liposome model of exocytosis has been used to examine the nanometer environment of the space between the electrode and the membrane. First, this has been used to test models of coulometric efficiency for different size vesicles with 5- and 33-μm electrodes. The resulting model has a best fit that suggests that the liquid space is ∼300 nm across the gap. Given this dimension, the volume of the electrode-membrane space is not large enough to accommodate the volume of larger vesicles in cells such as the mast cells of the beige mouse. Second, the model suggests that flow of solution from the exocytosis event is more important than diffusion. Flow from the finite vesicle volume past the electrode leads to less charge passed. Third, and finally, this system can be used to model transport in the synapse and so it is possible to examine the idea that transmitter flows in addition to diffusing from the synapse. This model should be useful in understanding and quantifying the escape of transmitter from synapses in vivo.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)4168-4175
Number of pages8
JournalAnalytical Chemistry
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 15 2003


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