Aerosol problems in coal gasification research

B. Y.H. Liu, D. B. Kittelson, D. Y.H. Pui, J. A. Armstrong, D. Thimsen, D. Pooler, R. Maurer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


A research program to study the conversion of coal to low Btu gas has been undertaken since May 1982 at the Twin Cities Research Center, US Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines. The test facility includes a 6-foot, 6-inch Wellman Galusha, single stage, fixed-bed atmospheric gas producer, a cyclone dust collector and a combustion chamber. In addition, a wet scrubber/electrostatic precipitator and a Stretford desulfurization unit are installed on the slip stream. Program objectives require that the fuel gas be well characterized and certain aerosol and particle measurement problems had to be solved to achieve these goals. In this paper, two such problems are described together with the methods of solution and some preliminary results.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationJournal of Aerosol Science
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 1984
EventAerosols in Sci, Med and Technol - Munich, W Ger
Duration: Sep 14 1983Sep 16 1983


OtherAerosols in Sci, Med and Technol
CityMunich, W Ger

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Figure 2 shows typical tar and water concentrations in the producer gas for a sub-bituminous coal. Tar concentrations of 30-35 g/m 3 were observed. About 70 ° o of this tar self-nucleated and was collected by the electrostatic precipitator. Thus the aerosol concentration leaving the condenser was in the range of 20-25 g/m 3 With bituminous coal the concentrations are even higher and may exceed 50 g,m 3. These extremely high particle * Particle Technology Laboratory Publication No. 500. ÷ On leave from Denver Research Institute. Denver, Colorado. :l: Bureau of Mines Contract No. H0222001, Bureau of Mines--Department of Energy lnteragency Agreement DE-AI21-77ET10205.


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