Advances in measurement for universal screening and individual progress monitoring of young children

Charles R. Greenwood, Judith J. Carta, Scott McConnell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


In the last two and half decades, much has been learned about conceptualizing and developing measures for use by practitioners designed to inform their intervention decision making, such as when a child would benefit from receiving additional instructional support (universal screening) and whether the child is responding positively to the intervention when delivered (progress monitoring). The authors describe these developments, related issues continuing to face the field, and what is needed in terms of measures, access, and usability in future practice, research, and development.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)254-267
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Early Intervention
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2011

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Preparation of this manuscript was supported by Grants R324C080011 and R324A07085 from the Institute of Education Sciences to the University of Kansas. The work began in earnest with Grant H024S60010 from the Office of Special Education Programs to the University of Minnesota. We are indebted to these and other funders along the way who helped us move the idea of IGDIs to reality: the U.S. Department of Education (the Office of Special Education Programs) and the Institute of Educational Sciences (National Center for Special Education Research), the Administration for Children and Families (the Office of Planning Research and Evaluation), and our state and local agencies sponsoring early child programs.


  • assessment
  • infants and toddlers
  • language
  • literacy
  • preschoolers


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