Activated clotting time tests with Heparinase in the management of pediatric patients on cardiopulmonary bypass

P. Kriesmer, N. R. Payne, J. Tessmer, Donald L Uden

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4 Scopus citations


Routine ACT tests cannot distinguish between prolonged blood clotting due to heparin effect or acquired abnormalities of the coagulation system after a loading dose of heparin. The purpose of this study was to examine an ACT test that inactivates heparin with Heparinase allowing for ACT assessment with and without heparin effect (HR-ACT with/without Heparinase, HemoTec, Inc.). The HR-ACT values were compared with the standard OR procedure that employed the Hemochron ACT. Twenty pediatric patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass for repair of cardiac defects were examined. All comparative ACT values were obtained from the same blood sample. Five sampling times were examined: 1) A baseline ACT was obtained before heparin had been administered; 2) A pre bypass ACT after a single heparin dose; 3) On bypass; 4) A post protamine ACT at the conclusion of surgery; and 5) In the Intensive Care Unit (PICU), 1 hour post protamine. The HemoTec HR-ACT with Heparinase and HR-ACT tests differentiated clotting time results that reflected coagulation status without the heparin effect. It identified those patients on bypass who were less than 5 kg, with prolonged ACTs that were due in part to hemodilution despite efforts at hemoconcentration.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)942-945
Number of pages4
JournalASAIO Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1993


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