Abscisic acid levels in the grain of wild rice.

K. A. Albrecht, E. A. Oelke, Mark L. Brenner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In a study to determine if ABA could be responsible for wild rice grain dormancy, non-dormant wild rice grains (stored in water at 3 deg C for 330 days) were dehulled, scarified and placed in sol. of 0-20 mg ABA/l for 7 days. Germination decreased as ABA conc. increased. No germination was obtained at or above 5 mg ABA/l. Washing the ABA-treated grains with water did not reverse the inhibition. Free ABA/grain decreased from 12.29 to 4.27 ng and conjugated ABA from 7.14 to 4.86 ng during 146 days of storage in water at 3 deg C. The ABA contents of hulls, pericarps, embryos, and endosperms were determined in dormant and non-dormant (120 days after storage) grains. Total ABA/g dry wt. of embryo and pericarp tissue exceeded that of hulls and endosperms by a factor of 50 in both dormant and non-dormant grain. Total ABA/g dry wt. of embryos, pericarps and hulls was significantly less in non-dormant grain.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)671-676
Number of pages6
JournalCrop Science
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1979


  • Development
  • Physiology
  • Reproduction
  • grain
  • dormancy
  • plant physiology
  • plant growth regulators
  • Agronomy (Agriculture)
  • Chemical Coordination and Homeostasis
  • article
  • field crops
  • plant biochemistry


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