A queer vision of emerging adulthood: Seeing sexuality in the transition to adulthood

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27 Scopus citations


This paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of bringing sexuality more to the fore in scholarly work on the transition to adulthood. Sexuality not only brings needed attention to the commonplace sexual minorities that are largely overlooked in existing literature, connection with queer theory's elemental insights stands to enrich the very frameworks through which transitions to adulthood are articulated. To that end, this paper provides a preliminary sketch of a "queer" vision of "emerging adulthood" and begins to elaborate the potential benefits of its deployment in scholarly treatments of transitions to adulthood. Inasmuch as a queered emerging adulthood lays a base for understanding additional forms of identity instability and perspectives on adulthood, it perhaps also indicates that scholarship on transitions to adulthood can profit by continuing to look to other theoretical perspectives that might shed added light on the shifting and manifold contours of (transitioning to) adulthood in the twenty-first century.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)132-142
Number of pages11
JournalSexuality Research and Social Policy
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Adult transition
  • Emerging adulthood
  • Identity
  • LGBT issues
  • Life course
  • Youth


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