A pedagogical perspective on ambipolar FETs

Moon Sung Kang, C. Daniel Frisbie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

60 Scopus citations


The operation of an ambipolar field-effect transistor (FET) is described using a simple diagram depicting the gate voltage and channel potential profile relative to the injection threshold voltage of charge carriers. From this diagram, the transition between transistor-operation regimes and the resulting current-voltage relations can be easily understood. Also, a practical guidance for the operation of an ambipolar FET is provided. In particular, conditions to achieve the true ambipolar regime, which is of particular interest for light-emitting transistor operation, and a correct method to extract electron and hole mobilities from a given current-voltage curve are presented. What a picture is worth: The operation of an ambipolar field-effect transistor (FET) is described graphically, based on a simple diagram depicting the gate voltage-channel potential profile relative to the injection threshold voltage of charge carriers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1547-1552
Number of pages6
Issue number8
StatePublished - Jun 3 2013


  • ambipolar field-effect transistors
  • channel potential
  • charge carriers
  • current-voltage characteristics
  • transistor operation regime


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