A Daily Study Comparing Alcohol-Related Positive and Negative Consequences for Days With Only Alcohol Use Versus Days With Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use in a Community Sample of Young Adults

Christine M. Lee, Megan E. Patrick, Charles B. Fleming, Jennifer M. Cadigan, Devon A. Abdallah, Anne M. Fairlie, Mary E. Larimer

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    80 Scopus citations


    Background: Alcohol and marijuana are psychoactive substances commonly used by young adults and are independently associated with numerous acute and long-term consequences. Many young adults engage in simultaneous alcohol and marijuana (SAM) use to cross-fade (i.e., to enhance the effects of intoxication), although the extent to which alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences increase on SAM occasions compared to alcohol-only occasions is unclear. This study examines daily data among a sample of SAM users comparing SAM days to other days when young adults only used alcohol. Methods: A sample of 409 young adults (age 18 to 25; Mage = 21.6, SD = 2.2; 50.9% women) who reported SAM use in the past month completed 2 bursts of 14 days of daily surveys (28 days in total) assessing alcohol use, alcohol-related consequences, and SAM use. Results: Multilevel models based on alcohol-only and SAM days (n = 3,016 days; 391 individuals) indicated young adults drank more alcohol on SAM days compared to alcohol-only days (with no marijuana use). Similarly, days with SAM use were associated with more alcohol-related positive and negative consequences. The daily association between SAM use and positive consequences was statistically significant, after accounting for the amount of alcohol consumed; in contrast, the association between SAM use and negative consequences was diminished and nonsignificant. Conclusions: Among young adult SAM users, days with SAM use were associated with more alcohol use and positive consequences compared to days they only drank alcohol. Further examination of the motivational context for engaging in SAM use, as well as potential physiological interactions between alcohol and marijuana use on alcohol’s effects, is warranted. Alcohol interventions might benefit from addressing increased alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences as risks associated with SAM use.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)689-696
    Number of pages8
    JournalAlcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Mar 1 2020

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    Data collection and manuscript preparation were supported by a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA025037: MPI: Christine M. Lee and Megan E. Patrick). Manuscript preparation was also supported by grant F32AA025263. The content of this manuscript is solely the responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institutes of Health.

    Funding Information:
    Data collection and manuscript preparation were supported by a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA025037: MPI: Christine M. Lee and Megan E. Patrick). Manuscript preparation was also supported by grant F32AA025263. The content of this manuscript is solely the responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institutes of Health.

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2020 by the Research Society on Alcoholism


    • Consequences
    • Daily
    • Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use
    • Young Adult


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