A “Cool” route to the Higgs boson and beyond. The Cool Copper Collider

Caterina Vernieri, Emilio A. Nanni, Sridhara Dasu, Michael E. Peskin, Tim Barklow, Rainer Bartoldus, Pushpalatha C. Bhat, Kevin Black, James E. Brau, Martin Breidenbach, Brendon Bullard, Nathaniel Craig, Dmitri Denisov, Lindsey Gray, Philip C. Harris, Michael Kagan, Zhen Liu, Patrick Meade, Nathan Majernik, Abdollah MohammadiSergei Nagaitsev, Dimitris Ntounis, Isobel Ojalvo, Katherine Pachal, Christoph Paus, James Rosenzweig, Carl Schroeder, Ariel G. Schwartzman, Evgenya Simakov, Maximilian Swiatlowski, Bruno Spataro, Jan Strube, Su Dong, Sami Tantawi, Lian Tao Wang, Andy White, Graham W. Wilson

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10 Scopus citations


Construction of an e + e - Higgs factory has been identified as a major goal for particle physics. Such a collider will offer precise measurements of the Higgs bosons couplings to other particles. A Higgs factory extendable in energy can also establish the Higgs self-coupling, measure the Higgs coupling to the top quark, and expand the reach to probe new phenomena. We propose a strategy for an energy-extendable Higgs factory based on a new linear accelerator technology. This strategy offers a compact and cost-effective design that could be realized as an accelerator project in the US. The core technologies to be developed have broad applications to accelerators for medicine and for X-ray science. The challenge of realizing these technologies will offer unique and exciting opportunities to young scientists.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberP07053
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab.


  • Accelerator Subsystems and Technologies
  • Instrumentation for particle accelerators and storage rings - high energy (linear accelerators, synchrotrons)


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