A checklist for the development of faculty mentorship programs

Anandi V. Law, Michelle M. Bottenberg, Anna H. Brozick, Jay D. Currie, Margarita V. DiVall, Stuart T. Haines, Christene Jolowsky, Cynthia P. Koh-Knox, Golda Anne Leonard, Stephanie J. Phelps, Deepa Rao, Andrew Webster, Elizabeth Yablonski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

60 Scopus citations


Mentoring of junior faculty members continues to be a widespread need in academic pharmacy in both new programs and established schools. The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Joint Council Task Force on Mentoring was charged with gathering information from member colleges and schools and from the literature to determine best practices that could be shared with the academy. The task force summarized their findings regarding the needs and responsibilities for mentors and protégés at all faculty levels; what mentoring pieces are in existence, which need improvement, and which need to be created; and how effective mentoring is defined and could be measured. Based on these findings, the task force developed several recommendations as well as the PAIRS Faculty Mentorship Checklist. Academic institutions can benefit from the checklist whether they are planning to implement a faculty mentorship program or are interested in modifying existing programs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number98
JournalAmerican journal of pharmaceutical education
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2014


  • Faculty development
  • Mentor


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