2007 Survey of Medical Toxicology Practice Improvement Activities

Suzanne R. White, Beth Baker, Carl R. Baum, Anne Harvey, Robert Korte, A. Nelson Avery, Lewis Nelson, Kevin Osterhoudt, Curtis Snook, Saralyn Williams

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


To date, there appear to be no studies that assess Medical Toxicologists' (MTs) practice improvement (PI) activities in their Medical Toxicology practice settings. The MT Assessment of Practice Performance (APP) Taskforce queried all MT diplomates about (1) activities currently available in their practice settings that potentially would meet the requirements of APP, (2) potential APP activities that best fit with current MT practice, and (3) the relationship between MT practice patterns and APP requirements. One hundred twenty-seven surveys were completed. Participation in MT practice improvement activities is not universal, with approximately a third of the survey participants reporting that they are not involved in any practice improvement activity. Few respondents reported that they collected performance improvement-related data. Most who did so participated in CME, case, or chart reviews. Peer reviews, self-improvement plans based on chart reviews, and population research were considered the most valid measures of MT practice improvement. Communication skills were considered important topics for patient surveys. Suggested outcomes for peer assessment included accuracy of information provided, understanding medical staff concerns, timeliness of feedback, and helpfulness. Most respondents rated all of the APP options as being somewhat very intrusive. Access to those with sufficient knowledge of the diplomate's practice improvement program to verify APP could pose a challenge to a successful completion of APP requirements. Optimal settings for the APP program administration are hospitals and poison centers. While barriers to MT APP activities exist, studying current MT diplomates' opinions and practices could inform the future development and administration of such programs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)286-293
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Medical Toxicology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Board certification
  • Maintenance of certification
  • Medical toxicology
  • Practice performance assessment


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