Bryan C Runck
- Geography, Environment and Society - Lecturer
- AI-CLIMATE: Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy
Person: Affiliate, Academic Professionals
D J Mulla
- Soil, Water, and Climate - Professor
- AI-CLIMATE: Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy
Person: Affiliate, Faculty
Steven M Manson
Person: Faculty
Julie M Grossman
- Administration (CFANS) - Associate Dean
- Horticultural Science - Professor
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Gregg A Johnson
- Southern Research and Outreach Center - Associate Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Kristen C Nelson
- Forest Resources - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Mary A Rogers
- Horticultural Science - Associate Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Robert M Stupar
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Hikaru Peterson
- Applied Economics - Professor
- Healthy Weight Research Center
Person: Academics, Faculty
Eric A Shook
- Geography, Environment and Society - Associate Professor
- Minnesota Population Center
Person: Faculty
Grace L Wilson
- Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering - Research Assistant Professor
Person: Research Faculty
George E Heimpel
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Natalie D Hunt
- Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering - Teaching Assistant Professor
Person: Teaching Faculty
Peter B Reich
- Forest Resources - Research Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Research Faculty, Honorary Staff
Gary J Muehlbauer
- Agronomy and Plant Genetics - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Shashi Shekhar
- Computer Science and Engineering - Professor
- Screening, Prevention, Etiology & Cancer Survivorship
- AI-CLIMATE: Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy - Director
- Center for Transportation Studies - Researcher
Person: Researchers, Member, Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Helene Murray
Person: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Kathy J Draeger
- Extension - Manager
- Agronomy and Plant Genetics - Adjunct Assistant Professor
Person: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff, Adjunct Faculty
Adam S. Davis
- USDA-ARS Invasive Weed Management Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- USDA-ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
- Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
- Michigan State University
- Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
- Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
- Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
- US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service's Global Change
- University of Minnesota
- Pennsylvania State University
External person
Roger T. Koide
- Brigham Young University
- Pennsylvania State University Hershey
- Brigham Young University
- Pennsylvania State University
- Department of Biology
- Department of Horticulture
- Graduate Program in Ecology
- Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Integrative Biosciences
- Department of Biology
External person
D. A. Mortensen
- University of Minnesota
- University of Nebraska
- Pennsylvania State University Hershey
- Pennsylvania State University
- Univ of Minnnesota
- Department of Plant Science
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- University of Michigan
- Department of Agronomy
- Departmaent of Agronomy
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
External person
Richard G. Smith
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
External person
Anthony C. Yannarell
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
External person
Daniel Kane
- Michigan State University
- Department of Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences
- Department of Plant
- School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Yale University
- School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
External person
S. Snapp
- Michigan State University
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Plant
- Department of Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences
- Kellogg Biological Station
- Departments of Entomology
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
External person
Patrick Ewing
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Michigan State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Steven B. Mirsky
- United States Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
- Montana State University
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
External person
A. Stuart Grandy
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
External person
Michael L. Flessner
- University of Nebraska
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Jason K. Norsworthy
- Crop
- University of Arkansas
- Department of Crop
- U. Arkansas
- University of Delaware
External person
Wesley J. Everman
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Carolina State University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
External person
Muthukumar Bagavathiannan
- Texas A&M University
- University of Missouri
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Kevin W. Bradley
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Missouri
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Lovreet S. Shergill
- Montana State University
- University of Delaware
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
J. L. Lindquist
- University of Nebraska
- Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Departmaent of Agronomy
- University of Tennessee
- Univ.NE
External person
Laura Aldrich-Wolfe
- Concordia College
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Biology
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Concordia College
External person
Dana M. Blumenthal
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- Rangeland Resources Research Unit
- Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- USDA-ARS Rangeland Rsrc. Res. Unit
External person
Shawn C. Beam
- Mississippi State University
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- University of Delaware
External person
Lauren M. Schwartz-Lazaro
- Louisiana State University
- University of Arkansas
- Blue River Technology Inc
External person
Larry E. Steckel
- University of Tennessee System
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- University of Tennessee
- Louisiana State University
- University of Tennessee
External person
Colin Cureton
- University of Minnesota
- San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative
- Water Resources Center
- Department of Applied Economics
External person
Jason A. Bond
- Pennsylvania State University
- Mississippi State University
- Texas A&M University
External person
Natalie M. West
- USDA-ARS Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
- Pest Management Research Unit
External person
Blake Young
- Montana State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Texas A&M University
External person
J. L. Jannink
- Cornell University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Iowa State University
- University of Minnesota
- Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Department of Plant Breeding
- United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
External person
Steven C. Haring
- Mississippi State University
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- University of Minnesota
- North Carolina State University
External person
Andrea Jilling
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
- Plant and Soil Science Dep.
- Oklahoma State University
External person
Nicholas E. Korres
- Mississippi State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Arkansas
External person
Meng Li
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
External person
Kevin M. Dorn
- University of Minnesota
- Kansas State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Biology
External person
Keith Douglass Warner
- Santa Clara University
- Center for Science, Technology and Society
- Environmental Studies Institute
External person
D. K. Barnes
- United States Department of Agriculture
- National Agricultural Technology Institute
- University of Minnesota
- USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Unit
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
Jennifer Kuzma
- North Carolina State University
- Rockefeller University
- Genetic Engineering and Society Center and School of Public and International Affairs
- Genetic Engineering & Society Center
- University of Minnesota
- Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
- Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology
External person
Eugene P. Law
- Cornell University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Delaware
External person
Elizabeth L. Svenson
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Ecology
External person
Roger D. Cousens
- University of Melbourne
- Department of Resource Management and Geography
- School of BioSciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- University of California at Davis
External person
Laura K Schmitt Olabisi
- Michigan State University
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies
- Department of Community
External person
Laura Phillips-Mao
- University of Minnesota
- Conserv. Biology Graduate Program
- Department of Fisheries
External person
Selena Ahmed
- Montana State University
- Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems
- Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems
External person
Victoria J. Ackroyd
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Michigan State University
- Department of Plant
- University of Maryland
External person
D. D. Breitbach
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
External person
Neal P. Martin
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
A. Michele Arntz
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Indiana University
- Department of Plant Biology
- Department of Plant Biology
- Department of Biology
- Department of Plant Biology
External person
M. Schut
- Wageningen University & Research
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Knowledge Technology and Innovation
- Knowledge
External person
Evan H. DeLucia
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Global Change Solutions
- College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
External person
Yi Lou
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
External person
William S. Curran
- North Carolina State University
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Missouri
- Mississippi State University
External person
H. Eizenberg
- Agricultural Research Organization of Israel
- Department of Plant Pathology and Weed Research
- Department of Plant Pathology and Weed Research
External person
Lesley W. Atwood
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
External person
C. Fernandez-Quintanilla
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficas
- Institute of Agricultural Science (ICA
- CSIC - Institute of Agricultural Sciences
External person
Martin M. Williams
- Washington State University Misc. Non Branch Campus
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Michael Williams & Associates Pty Ltd
- USDA-ARS Invasive Weed Management Unit
- Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
External person
M. Renton
- University of Western Australia
- School of Plant Biology
- Schools of Biological Sciences & Agriculture and Environment
External person
Rachel F. Brummel
- Lafayette College
- Luther College
- University of Minnesota
- Luther College, Decorah
- Environmental Studies Program
- Department of Forest Resources
- Environmental Studies Program
- Environmental Studies Program
- Conserv. Biology Graduate Program
- Department of Forest Resources
External person
J. N. Barney
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
R. Eugene Turner
- Louisiana State University
- Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
- Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
External person
Joe M. Kaser
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Stephen D. Murphy
- University of Waterloo
- University of Guelph
- Dept. of Environ. and Rsrc. Studies
External person
John Cardina
- Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
- The Ohio State University
- Dept. of Hort. and Crop Science
External person
L. R. DeHaan
- Land Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Agronomy
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Kernza Domestication Program
- Department of Agronomy
- Dep. of Agronomy
- Utah State University
- Land Institute Salina
External person
A. Stuart Grandy
- University of New Hampshire
- Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
External person
Genya Dana
- Dana and Sharpe Risk Associates
- University of Minnesota
- Conservation Biology Graduate Prog.
- Conserv. Biology Graduate Program
External person
Mark S. Reiter
- Eastern Shore Agric. Res., and Ext. Ctr
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Kris A. Johnson
- Nature Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy
- University of Minnesota
- The Nature Conservancy
- Departments of Applied Economics and Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
- Conserv. Biology Graduate Program
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Nature Conservancy
- Conservation Biology Graduate Prog.
External person
Bruce E. Dale
- US Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Michigan State University
- DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
External person
Kathleen S. Knight
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Forest Resources
- Department of Ecology Evolution
External person
G. Lieblein
- Institute of Plant and Environmental Sciences
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
External person
Rebecca G. Ong
- US Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Michigan State University
- DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
External person
Warren A. Dick
- The Ohio State University
- School of Natural Resources
- School of Natural Resources - Soil Science
- School of Environment and Natural Resources
- School Environment and Natural Resources
External person
Alexander Liebman
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Geography
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
- Lurralde
External person
Virginia H. Dale
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- University of Minnesota
- Environmental Sciences Division
External person
Jin Oh Kim
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Soil Water and Climate
- Department of Soil Water
External person
Susan Damme
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Education
External person
Genevieve Brand
- University of Minnesota
- Conservation Biology Graduate Prog.
- Conserv. Biology Graduate Program
External person
G. McIsaac
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Dept. Nat. Rsrc. and Environ. Sci.
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
External person
David E. Ervin
- Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture
- Portland State University
- Department of Environmental Science and Management
- Department of Economics
- Institute for Sustainable Solutions
- Depts. of Economics and Environmental Management
- Henry A. Wallace Institute
External person
E. J. Kladivko
- Purdue University
- Department of Agronomy
- Dept of Agronomy
- Purdue University
- Purdue University
External person
Yvonne Buckley
- The University of Queensland
- Trinity College Dublin
- CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
- CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
- School of Natural Sciences
- School of Biological Sciences
- School of Natural Sciences and Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research
- Dept of Zoology
- Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
External person
David Sloan Wilson
- SUNY Binghamton
- Departments of Biology and Anthropology
- SUNY Binghamton
External person
Hannah Wittman
- University of British Columbia
- Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
- Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems
External person
Resham Bahadur Thapa
- Tribhuvan University
- Department of Entomology
- Tennessee State University
External person
Brad Gordon
- University of Minnesota
- Water Resources Science Program
- Graduate Program of Water Resources Science
- Water Resources Science Graduate Program
- American Rivers
- Great River Greening
External person
B. H. McCown
- University of Wisconsin
- Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
- Department of Horticulture
External person
Richard Barnes
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Ecology
- University of California
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
External person
Carolyn Malmstrom
- Michigan State University
- Department of Plant Biology
- Department of Plant Biology
External person
Anne R. Kapuscinski
- Inst. Social
- Dartmouth College
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Environmental Studies Program
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Department of Fisheries und Wildlife
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Department of Genentics and Cell Biology
- Minnesota Coop. Fish/Wildl. Res. U.
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Genetics and Cell Biology
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Fisheries
External person
A. Kravchenko
- Michigan State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
N. Nkongolo
- Lincoln University
- Department of Agriculture and Environment
- Navajo Technical University
- Soil and Water Sciences
- Lincoln University
- Navajo Technical University
External person
William S. Curran
- Pennsylvania State University Hershey
- Pennsylvania State University
- Department of Plant Science
- North Carolina State University
- University of Missouri
- Mississippi State University
External person
M. Chalak
- School of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- University of Western Australia
External person
Shannon E. Pittman
- University of Minnesota
- Davidson College
- Department of Biology
- Department of Fisheries
- Department of Fisheries
External person
Cameron M. Pittelkow
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
- University of California at Davis
External person
David P. Matlaga
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Susquehanna University
- Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit
- Department of Biology
External person
L. J. Abendroth
- Iowa State University
- Department of Agronomy
- Climate and Corn-based Cropping Systems Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP)
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Keith L. Kline
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Climate Change Science Institute and Environmental Sciences Division
- Climate Change Science Institute
External person
[No Value] Delucia
- University of Minnesota
- Indiana University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Plant Biology
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Biology
External person
Randall D. Jackson
- University of Wisconsin
- US Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Department of Agronomy and Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Department of Agronomy
- Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
- Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center
External person
T. A. Breland
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Institute of Plant and Environmental Sciences
External person
Tom L. Richard
- Pennsylvania State University Hershey
- Pennsylvania State University
- Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
External person
Stephen C. Weller
- Purdue University
- Department of Horticulture
- Dept. of Ecol./Evolutionary Biology
- University of California at Irvine
External person
K. A. Bybee-Finley
- Cornell University
- North Carolina State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Rachel R. Schendel
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Department of Food Chemistry and Phytochemistry
- University of Kentucky
External person
[No Value] Arntz
- University of Minnesota
- Indiana University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Plant Biology
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Biology
External person
Kristin L. Mercer
- The Ohio State University
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
- Minnesota Center for Community Genetics
- Applied Plant Sciences Program
- Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
- Department of Entomology and Center for Community Genetics
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Plant Biological Sciences Graduate Program
External person
Whitney Broussard
- Louisiana State University
- Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
External person
Matthew R. Ryan
- Cornell University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Soil and Crop Sciences Section
- School of Integrative Plant Science
External person