Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
I am a land-based education scholar focused on global Indigenous nations and communities. My research interested explore land and family-based teacher education, storytelling within trans-Indigenous collaborations, Indigenous science, mathematics, and technologies and their role in strengthening Indigenous relationalities with lands, waters, and skies.
Elliot-Groves, E. & Meixi. (in press). Indigenous Axiologies and Ethical Attunements in LOPI: Why and How Communities Learn by Observing and Pitching In. Infancia y Aprendizaje
Engman, M., Meixi., Hermes, M. & McKenzie, J. (in press). Everyday stories in a forest: Multimodal meaning-making with Ojibwe Elders, young people, language and place. WINHEC Special Issue on Indigenous Languages.
Tzou, C., Starks, E., Meixi, Rambayon, A., Marie Ortiz, S., Peterson, S., Gladstone, P., Tail, E., Chang, A., Andrew, E., Nevarez, X., Braun, A., & Bang, M. (2020). Codesigning with Indigenous families and educators: Creating robotics education that contributes to Indigenous resurgence. Connected Science Learning, 2(3).
Tzou, C., Rother, D., Braun, A, Starks, E., Meixi., Suárez, E., Rambayon, A., Bell, P., LaBonte, D., Twito, A., Peterson, S., Ortiz, S.M. & Bang, M. (2020). Trust the process: Developing STEM mindsets through family storytelling.
Meixi. (2019). Storywork Across the Landscapes of Home and School: Towards Indigenous Futures in Thailand [Thesis, University of Washington].
Tzou, C., Meixi., Suárez, E., Bell, P., LaBonte, D., Starks, E. & Bang, M. (2019). Storywork in STEM-Art: Making, Materiality and Robotics within Everyday Acts of Indigenous Presence and Resurgence. Cognition & Instruction.
Meixi. (2019). Towards Schools for Indigenous Futures: Storywork & Epistemic Network Analysis [Poster presentation]. International conference on quantitative ethnography, Madison, WI.
Leepreecha, P., & Meixi. (2018). Indigenous Educational Movements in Thailand. In E. McKinley & L. T. Smith (Eds.), Handbook of Indigenous Education (pp. 1–30). Springer, Singapore.
Meixi. (2018). The Program for the Improvement of Academic Achievement in México: Tutorial Relationships as an Imposition of Freedom to Transform the Instructional Core. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 0(0), 1–18.
Meixi. (2017). Shifting power at school: youth participation in teacher professional learning settings as educational innovation. International Journal of Innovation in Education (Special Issue on Re-configuring Learner Experiences: Opportunities and Systemic Challenges)., 4(2–3), 107–125.
Meixi. (2016). Desdibujando los límites entre identidades personales y colectivas: La relación tutora en redes de comunidades de práctica para una transformación individua, colectiva y continua (Blurring the lines between personal and collective identities: Tutorial relationships in networked communities of practice for individual, collective, and continuous transformation). Revista Didac, 68, 27–35.
Manuscripts Under Review or in Preparation
Meixi, Kongkaew, Theechumpa, Pinwanna & Ling (invited, under review). Attending to the Ethical Across México and the Mekong: Restor(y)ing Relations Towards Indigenous Futures in Learning and Design. Comparative Education Review Special Issue: Comparative Indigenous education: Indigenous knowledge systems and researchtowards decolonial educational practices.
Meixi. (preliminary acceptance, under review). The possibilities of gentle thinking: Trajectories of axiological development and alliances with the natural world from an urban Indigenous school in Thailand. Mind, Culture & Activity Special Issue: Unpacking ‘Signs of Learning’ in Complex Sociopolitical Environments
Meixi. (invited, under review). Stories and Indigenous science as everyday acts of survivance, resiliency, and collective continuance from the mountains of Thailand. In Stories for sustainable and resilient communities: STEM education from Indigenous perspectives, Science Knowledge Research Interest Group of National Association of Research in Science Teaching.
Meixi., Moreno-Dulcey, F.A., Alcalá, L., Keyser Ohrt, U., Elliot-Groves, E. (preliminary acceptance, in preparation). Human learning is relational: Reimagining schools with Indigenous ethics and epistemologies, AERA Open Special Issue: Education in the time of pandemic
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Research Interest Keywords
- Community Engagement
- indigenous communities
- environmental justice
- ethics
- teacher education
- mathematics education
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Redesigning Schools with Family Story Walks in Three Indigenous Contexts
*, M. (PI)
9/1/23 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Back to Indigenous Futures
*, M. (Collaborator), Diaz, V. M. (PI), Johnston-Goodstar, K. (PI), Keefe, D. F. (PI), Rock, J. (Co-Principal Investigator), Gould, R. J. (Co-Principal Investigator) & DeLisle, C. T. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Project: Grand Challenges
Indigenous land education for self-determination: co-designing sustainable futures in Chiapas
Johnston-Goodstar, K. (Co-Principal Investigator) & *, M. (Co-Principal Investigator)
1/1/23 → 1/1/24
Project: Internal Grant
Co-Designing an Indigenous Evaluation Process with the Resurgence School Network
*, M. (PI)
9/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
Origin Theories of Learning: A River With Many Sources
Meixi & Nzinga, K., Mar 2023, In: Review of Research in Education. 47, 1, p. 474-535 62 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
1 Scopus citations -
The Correlates of Student Happiness in Thailand: Paradoxes and Potential
Fry, G. W., Meixi, Kaewpijit, J. & Apahung, R., Jan 1 2023, Happiness Education: Holistic Learning for Sustainable Well-Being. Taylor and Francis, p. 115-140 26 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
Making Relatives: The Poetics and Politics of a Trans-Indigenous Teacher Collective
Meixi, Kongkaew, S., Theechumpa, P., Pinwanna, A. & Ling, A., Aug 2022, In: Comparative Education Review. 66, 3, p. 442-464 23 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
3 Scopus citations -
Moving toward dignity-affirming invitations to embodied participation in the design of learning environments
Mathayas, N., Vogelstein, L., Danish, J., Lindberg, L., Marin, A., Kern, A., Orellana, M. F., Meixi, *., Dorr, S., Keefe, D., Diaz, V., Zohar, R., Tu, X., Cosic, L., Vickery, M. & Kelton, M., 2022, International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices - 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2022. Chinn, C., Tan, E., Chan, C. & Kali, Y. (eds.). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), p. 1739-1746 8 p. (Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
1 Scopus citations -
Storytelling and Storylistening Towards Collective Learning and Relational Becoming
Meixi, Marin, A., Nzinga, K., Palomar, M., Elliott, E., Elliott, S., Shield, A. E., Scott, M., Shaw, M. S., Zuniga-Ruiz, S. & Booker, A., 2022, International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices - 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2022. Chinn, C., Tan, E., Chan, C. & Kali, Y. (eds.). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), p. 1707-1714 8 p. (Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
Fellowships, Honors, and Prizes
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship
*, M. (Recipient), Jan 15 2020
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively