Yue Jin
- Plant Pathology - Adjunct Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Honorary Staff, Adjunct Faculty
Ruth Dill-Macky
- Plant Pathology - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Jochum J Wiersma
- Northwest Research and Outreach Center - Extension Professor
Person: Extension Education
Gary J Muehlbauer
- Agronomy and Plant Genetics - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Robert M Stupar
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Dan D Gallaher
Person: Member, Faculty
Yuan Chai
- GEMS Informatics Initiative - Researcher
- Applied Economics - Adjunct Assistant Professor
- International Science and Technology Practice and Policy Center - Co-director
Person: Researchers, Adjunct Faculty
George E Heimpel
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Gregg A Johnson
- Southern Research and Outreach Center - Associate Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Daniel Kaiser
- Soil, Water, and Climate - Associate Professor
- Wild Rice Research at the University of Minnesota
Person: Faculty
S. Chao
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- University of California at Davis
- USDA-ARS, Cereal Crops Research Unit, Northern Crop Science Laboratory
- Cereal Crops Research
- USDA–ARS Genotyping Lab.
- Agricultural Research Service
- U.S. Dept. Agric.-Agric. Res. Ctr.
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
- Biosciences Research Laboratory
- Dep. of Agronomy
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Agriculture
- Plants Soils
- Utah State University
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Mark E. Sorrells
- Cornell University
- University of California at Davis
- North Dakota State University
- AgriFood Canada
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Department of Plant Breeding
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
- Crop and Weed Sciences Department
- Dep. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- Section of Plant Breeding AndGenetics
External person
Jorge Dubcovsky
- University of California at Davis
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Mann Laboratory
External person
E. D. Akhunov
- University of California at Davis
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
G. A. Hareland
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- USDA-ARS, Cereal Crops Research Unit, Northern Crop Science Laboratory
- NDSU Dept. 7640
- N. Crop Sciences Research Laboratory
External person
T. J. Tsilo
- Agricultural Research Council
- Agricultural Research Council-Small Grain Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
L. R. DeHaan
- Land Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Agronomy
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Kernza Domestication Program
- Department of Agronomy
- Dep. of Agronomy
- Utah State University
- Land Institute Salina
External person
O. D. Anderson
- United States Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Dept. Agric.-Agric. Res. Ctr.
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
External person
P. E. McGuire
- University of California at Davis
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
G. R. Lazo
- United States Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Dept. Agric.-Agric. Res. Ctr.
- Crop Genetic Systems Research Unit
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
External person
C. O. Qualset
- University of California at Davis
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
J. Dvořák
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Nora L V Lapitan
- Colorado State University
- Cornell University
- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Soil and Crop Sciences Dep
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
External person
J. B. Ohm
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- USDA-ARS, Cereal Crops Research Unit, Northern Crop Science Laboratory
- Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center
- NDSU Dept. 7640
External person
H. T. Nguyen
- University of Missouri
- University of Missouri at Kansas City
- University of Minnesota
- China Agricultural University
- National Center for Soybean Biotechnology and Division of Plant Sciences
- Division of Plant Sciences and National Center for Soybean Biotechnology (NCSB)
- Division of Plant Sciences
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement/Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization
- Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center
- National Center for Soybean Biotechnology
- Department of Agronomy
- Missouri University of Science and Technology
- University of Missouri
- Dep. of Agronomy Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
K. S. Gill
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
K. G. Hossain
- North Dakota State University
- Mayville University
- Mayville State University
- Division of Science and Mathematics
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
B. Echalier
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
L. L. Qi
- Kansas State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
J. P. Gustafson
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Division of Plant Sciences
- Department of Agronomy
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
V. Kalavacharla
- North Dakota State University
- University of Delaware
- Drexel University
- Delaware State University
- Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Delaware Biotechnology Institute
- Dept. of Biosci. and Biotechnology
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
[No Value] Miftahudin
- University of Missouri
- Institut Pertanian Bogor
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Biology
- Department of Agronomy
External person
M. O. Pumphrey
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Kansas State University
- Washington State University
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Spring Wheat Breeding and Genetics, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, 291D Johnson Hall
- USDA-ARS Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
Sixin Liu
- University of Minnesota
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
A. M. Linkiewicz
- Plant Breed./Acclimatization Inst.
- University of California at Davis
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Plant Breed./Acclimatization Inst.
- Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute
External person
G. L. Linkert
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Timothy J. Close
- University of California at Riverside
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
External person
M. Dilbirligi
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- International Cooperation Department
External person
Justin D. Faris
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Kansas State University
- Cornell University
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Agricultural Research Service
- US Dept of Agriculture
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- USDA-Agricultural Research Service
- Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center
External person
Senay Simsek
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Purdue University
External person
M. S. Pathan
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
J. L. Gonzalez-Hernandez
- North Dakota State University
- South Dakota State University
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Agronomy
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Plant Science Department
- Department of Plant Sciences
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Jesse A. Poland
- Kansas State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Departmrnt of Plant Pathology
- Department of Agronomy
- Wheat Genetics Resource Center
- US Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Cornell University
External person
Sridhar Bhavani
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- World Agroforestry Centre
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- ICRAF House
- Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
External person
Kevin M. Dorn
- University of Minnesota
- Kansas State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Biology
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Mohamed Mergoum
- North Dakota State University
- University of Georgia
- NDSU Department 7670
- University of Georgia Griffin Campus
- Department of Crop and Soil
- Department of Plant Sciences
- NDSU Dept. 7670 Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
R. A. Greene
- Cornell University
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Breeding
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
External person
Craig F. Morris
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Western Wheat Quality Laboratory
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
- USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory
External person
M. K. Turner
- University of Minnesota
- Land Institute
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Land Institute Salina
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
D. D. Hummel
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of California at Davis
- U.S. Dept. Agric.-Agric. Res. Ctr.
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
External person
Steve Larson
- Utah State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Land Institute
External person
D. W. Choi
- Eugentech
- University of California at Riverside
- Chonnam National University
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
External person
K. D. Glover
- South Dakota State University
- Plant Science Department
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Ravi P. Singh
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- University of Minnesota
- Cereal Disease Laboratory
External person
Julio Huerta-Espino
- Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias
- Inst. Nac. de Invest. Forest. Agricolas Y Pecuarias-Campo Exp. Valle de Mexico (INIFAP-CEVAMEX)
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
External person
Alina R. Akhunova
- Kansas State University
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Integrated Genomics Facility
- University of Minnesota
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Robert E. Allan
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology, and Disease Unit
External person
David E. Matthews
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Cornell University
- Department of Plant Breeding
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
External person
D. Sandhu
- Iowa State University
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
D. Sidhu
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Deshui Zhang
- Texas Tech University
- North Carolina State University
- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute (FBRI), Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409, USA.
External person
G. H. Bai
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Kansas State University
- Oklahoma State University
- USDA-ARS Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Agronomy
- Plant and Soil Science Dep.
- Department of Agronomy
External person
X. F. Ma
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Kim Campbell
- Washington State University
- The Ohio State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Dept. of Hort. and Crop Science
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology, and Disease Unit
External person
Jianli Chen
- University of Idaho
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- University of Idaho
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
- Department of Plant
- Dept. Plant, Soil, Entomological S.
External person
Jared Crain
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Plant and Soil Science Dep.
- Oklahoma State University
External person
M. Kay Walker-Simmons
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Ahmed Mahmoud
- University of Missouri
- University of Minnesota
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Gina Brown-Guedira
- North Carolina State University
- Plant Science Research Unit, USDA-ARS
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Lab
- Plant Science Research Unit
- USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Genotyping Laboratory
- Dep. of Crop Science
- Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory
- Plant Science Research Unit
- USDA-ARS Plant Science Research
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Traci Kantarski
- Kansas State University
- Columbia University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- United States Department of Agriculture
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
External person
S. D. Tanksley
- Cornell University
- North Dakota State University
- AgriFood Canada
- Department of Plant Breeding
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- Crop and Weed Sciences Department
- Dep. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
External person
R. Caspers
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
F. You
- University of California at Davis
- United States Department of Agriculture
- AgriFood Canada
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Morden Research and Development Centre
External person
V. Nduati
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
J. V. Wiersma
- University of Minnesota
- Univ. of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
Kim Garland-Campbell
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology, and Disease Unit
External person
R. W. Stack
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Dep. Plant Pathology
External person
R. C. Frohberg
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
C. C. Crossman
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
External person
P. K. Singh
- North Dakota State University
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
R. D. Fenton
- University of California at Riverside
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
External person
E. M. Elias
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- NDSU Dept. 7670 Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
H. S. Randhawa
- Washington State University
- Iowa State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Alexey Morgounov
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- CIMMYT International Winter Wheat Improvement Program
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
External person
R. F. Line
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Washington State University
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
S. P. McCormick
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Rural Development Administration
- Mycotoxin Prevention and Applied Microbiology Research Unit
- Bacterial Foodborne Pathogens and Mycology Research Unit
External person
Deven See
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture Western Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
Ming Cheng Luo
- University of California at Davis
- University of California Office of the President
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Brady P. Carter
- Washington State University
- Spring Wheat Breeding and Genetics, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, 291D Johnson Hall
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Long Xi Yu
- Cornell University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Breeding
- Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Hugh Edwards
- University of California at Davis
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
External person
R. H. Busch
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Oregon State University
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Oregon State
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Plant Science Research Unit
External person
John Pritchett
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
R. Wanyera
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
- Kenya Agricultural Research Institute: Affiliation
- Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute-Njoro Plant Breeding Research Center (KARI-NPBRC)
- KALRO Plant Breeding Research Center
- Food Crops Research Center
External person
Lynn M. Little
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
M. Rouse
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
- Cereal Disease Lab
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Anna Westerbergh
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Department of Plant Biology
External person
K. L. Whitney
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Purdue University
External person
M. David Marks
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
- Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
- Department of Plant Biology
External person
Godwin K. Macharia
- University of Minnesota
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
- Kenya Agriculture Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
External person
S. Bondareva
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Itamar C. Nava
- University of Minnesota
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Department of Crop Science
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
M. Erayman
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
K. Ross
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Susanne Dreisigacker
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Genetic Resources and Enhancement Unit
External person
Vijay K. Tiwari
- Oregon State University
- Kansas State University
- University of Maryland
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Novartis
- Uppsala University
External person
Michael J. Giroux
- Montana State University
- Dep. Plant, Soil, and Environ. Sci.
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
External person
G. E. King
- Washington State University
- Western Wheat Quality Laboratory
- Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
External person
C. R. Riede
- Agronomic Institute of Parana
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Jacques David
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- University of California at Davis
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
- Unite Mixte Recherche Diversity
External person
N. Lui
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of California at Davis
- Genet. Rsrc. Conservation Program
External person
Emily J. Wennerlind
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Camille Steber
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Yue Jin
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- North Dakota State University
External person
Brett F. Carver
- Oklahoma State University
- Plant and Soil Science Dep.
- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
External person
Nidhi Rawat
- Kansas State University
- University of Maryland
- Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
- Department of Plant Pathology
- National Dairy Research Institute India
External person
P. B. Cregan
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Georgia
- University of Minnesota
- Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory
- Soybean and Alfalfa Res. Laboratory
- Department of Soil Science
- Bovine Functional Genomics Laboratory
- Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory
- Nitrogen Fixation and Soybean Genetics Lab
- Department of Soil Science
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- USDA-ARS Soybean Alfalfa Res. Lab.
External person
Philippe Leroy
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- Cornell University
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- Universite d'Auvergne
- Clermont Université
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Stephen S. Jones
- Washington State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Departmrnt of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Washington State
External person
Kristin Simons
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Agricultural Research Service
External person
Yaqin Q. Ma
- University of California at Riverside
- University of California at Davis
- Molefarming Laboratory
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- University of California
External person
Timothy E. Crews
- Prescott College
- Land Institute
- Ecology Program
- Land Institute Salina
- Prescott College
External person
Nancy Blake
- Montana State University
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
External person
M. Kathryn Turner
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Land Institute
- Land Institute Salina
External person
Chao Tian
- University of California at Davis
- 23andMe Inc.
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Research
External person
Richard Barnes
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Ecology
- University of California
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
External person
Jakub Hadam
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
T. L. Friesen
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- USDA-ARS, Cereal Crops Research Unit, Northern Crop Science Laboratory
- US Dept of Agriculture
- Department of Agriculture
- Northern Crops Science Laboratory
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Entomology
- USDA-Agricultural Research Service
External person
O. Feril
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Justin Hegstad
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Matthew J. Hayden
- State Government of Victoria
- AgriBio
- AgriBiosciences Center
- Centre for AgriBioscience
- La Trobe University
- Department of Economic Development
- Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Department of Primary Industries Victoria
- Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- AgriBio Centre for AgriBiosciences
External person
Luther E. Talbert
- Montana State University
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
External person
Mohammed S. Alamri
- King Saud University
- Nutrition College of Food and Agricultural Sciences
- Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition
- Deparment of Food Sciences and Nutrition
- Nutrition and Food Sciences Dep
- Departmrnt of Food Sciences and Nutrition
External person
Peter Njau
- Kenya Agricultural Research Institute: Affiliation
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
- Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute-Njoro Plant Breeding Research Center (KARI-NPBRC)
External person
Erin Daniels
External person
Stephen P. Baenziger
- University of Nebraska
- Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture
- Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Michael T. Clegg
- University of California at Irvine
- University of California at Riverside
- University of California Office of the President
- Department of Botany
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
- Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology
- Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
External person
Dindo Tabanao
- Philippine Rice Research Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Tomohiro Ban
- Yokohama City University
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Kihara Institute for Biological Research
External person
Baraem Ismail
External person
Devin Coleman-Derr
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
- United States Department of Energy
External person
Naxin Huo
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of California at Davis
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
David Van Sanford
- Dep. of Plant Sciences
- University of Kentucky
- Department of Plant and Soil Science
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Yong Q. Gu
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Genomics and Gene Discovery Unit
- Western Regional Research Center
External person
Jackie C. Rudd
- Texas A&M University
- Agricultural Research and Extension Center
- Texas A and M AgriLife Research and Extension
- Texas A and M AgriLife Research and Extension Center
- Texas Agrilife Research and Extension Center
External person
Marilyn L. Warburton
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Mississippi State University
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Corn Host Plant Research Resistance Unit
- U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Steven S. Xu
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- USDA-ARS, Cereal Crops Research Unit, Northern Crop Science Laboratory
- Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd
- Cereal Crops Research
- Department of Agriculture
- Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center
- USDA-Agricultural Research Service
- Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center
External person
Luther E. Talbert
- Montana State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
External person
Rui Wang
- University of Idaho
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- University of Idaho
- Department of Plant
- Dept. Plant, Soil, Entomological S.
External person
Tim Ulmasov
External person
Shaukat Ali
- South Dakota State University
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Hermann Buerstmayr
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- Department IFA-Tulln
- Institute for Biotechnology in Plant Production
- Institute for Biotechnology in Plant Production
External person
Maricelis Acevedo
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University
- Cornell University
- Dep. Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
External person
Harold N. Trick
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
J. B. Rasmussen
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Donna M. Toleno
- University of California at Irvine
- University of Southern California
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology
- Dept. of Ecol. and Evol. Biology
External person
Karin R. Deal
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
External person
A. Mesfin
- North Dakota State University
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Deptartment of Plant Sciences
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Dhruba B. Thapa
- Nepal Agricultural Research Council
- Nepal Agricultural Research Council
External person
P. Fang
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
L. Yan
- Oklahoma State University
- Crop Improvement Assoc
- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
- Plant and Soil Science Dep.
External person
Debbie Wong
- State Government of Victoria
- Centre for AgriBioscience
- Department of Primary Industries Victoria
External person
Abby Mcgovern
External person
G. S. Surlan Momirovic
- University of Belgrade
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Ahmed El Fatih A. ElDoliefy
- Agricultural Research Center
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Agricultural Research Center (ARC)
External person
Marta Lopez Da Silva
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Genetic Resources and Enhancement Unit
- Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA)
External person
R. P. Singh
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- University of Delhi
- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
- Department of Physics
External person
Brian D. Wright
- University of California
- University of California Office of the President
- Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
- University of California
- University of Maryland
External person
Jerry Jenkins
- HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology
- United States Department of Energy
- University of Essex
- School of Biological Sciences
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
External person
Joe M. Kaser
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Entomology
- Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
D. Fenton
- University of California at Riverside
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
External person
Evan B. Johnson
External person
J. McAllister
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Luxmi Tomar
- CCS Haryana Agricultural University
- Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
External person
Marta Gut
- French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
- Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)
- Department of Technology Development
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Pompeu Fabra University
- CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
- Genoscope
External person
J. Ramalingam
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Jane Grimwood
- Stanford University
- HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology
- Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology
- HudsonAlpha Genome Sequencing Center
- United States Department of Energy
- HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
- HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
External person
J. Larsen
- University of Guelph
- AgriFood Canada
- Dept. Plant Agriculture
- Department of Plant Agriculture
- Department of Plant Agriculture
External person
R. Skinner
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
J. Michael Bonman
- Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit
- United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)
External person
F. L. Kolb
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
External person
Catherine Gonthier
- Institut de Génomique
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- Genoscope
- Universite d'Evry
External person
Joe Lyons
External person
Hikmet Budak
- Sabanci University
- Montana State University
- Molecular Biology
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- Montana BioAgriculture Inc.
- Montana BioAg. Inc.
External person
Alexandra Berroyer
External person
Mandeep S. Randhawa
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- World Agroforestry Centre
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
External person
Liam Sullivan
External person
Jizeng Jia
- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement
External person
Claude Becker
- Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
External person
M. Bernard
- Cornell University
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Amanda Peters Haugrud
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
M. Imtiaz
- National Agricultural Research Centre
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
- CIMMYT-Pakistan
External person
Carl Griffey
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
- Dept. of Crop and Soil Envtl. Sci.
External person
Thomas Wicker
- University of Zurich
- Institute of Plant Biology
- Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
External person
Weidong Zhao
- University of Idaho
- Department of Plant
- Dept. Plant, Soil, Entomological S.
- University of Idaho
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Vladimir Shamanin
- Omsk State Agricultural University
- P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University
External person
Jiajing Zhang
- China Agricultural University
- Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
Frédéric Choulet
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- INRA UMR1095 Genetics
- Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- Universite d'Auvergne
- Clermont Université
External person
K. Chema
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Edgar B. Cahoon
- University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Huazhong Agricultural University
External person
W. Xie
- University of Minnesota
- Plant Pathology Dep.
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Stephan Kong
- State Government of Victoria
- AgriBiosciences Center
- Centre for AgriBioscience
- Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Department of Primary Industries Victoria
External person
L. Lang
- Agriculture Institute
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Eötvös Loránd Research Network
External person
M. Trudeau-Spanjers
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
T. G. Fetch
- North Dakota State University
- AgriFood Canada
- United States Department of Agriculture
- AAFC Morden Research & Development Centre
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Morden Research and Development Centre
External person
M. A. Rodriguez Milla
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Joseph Lyons
External person
Sharon L. Dykes
- University of Minnesota
- Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Bevan Emma Huang
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Ecosystem Sciences Dutton Park
- Food Futures National Research Flagship and Mathematics
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
External person
Rudi Appels
- Sabanci University
- Murdoch University
- Centre for Comparative Genomics
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- AgriBio Centre for AgriBiosciences
- Centre for AgriBioscience
- School of Veterinary and Life Sciences
External person
P. Hayes
- Oregon State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University
- Barley Project Crop Science Building
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Crop Sciences Department
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Department of Chemistry
- University of Montreal
External person
Justin Wheeler
- University of Idaho
- Department of Plant
- Dept. Plant, Soil, Entomological S.
- University of Idaho
External person
J. E. Autrique
- North Dakota State University
- AgriFood Canada
- Crop and Weed Sciences Department
External person
Scott D. Haley
- Colorado State University
- South Dakota State University
- Soil and Crop Sciences Dep
- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Dep. of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Dep. of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
Zhonghu He
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
External person
Andrew W. Goodyear
- University of California at Davis
- Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science
External person
Detlef Weigel
- Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Plant Biology Laboratory
External person
Cyrille Saintenac
- Kansas State University
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Jérome Salse
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Z. H. Liu
- North Dakota State University
- Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- Institute of Plant Protection
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Evan B. Johnson
- Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
- University of Minnesota
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute
- Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Richard W. Ward
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- National Agricultural Research Centre
- Michigan State University
- Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Department of Crop Sciences
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
External person
Clinton K. Revell
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
External person
Peter J. Bradbury
- Cornell University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Plant Breeding
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Bernt Hoel
- Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research Bioforsk St Apelsvoll
- Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
- Bioforsk
External person
J. Hu
- Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Sunflower Research Unit
External person
Andrea D. Basche
- Department of Agronomy
- Iowa State University
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
J. L. Jannink
- Cornell University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Iowa State University
- University of Minnesota
- Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Department of Plant Breeding
- United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
External person
Pabalu P. Karunadharma
- North Dakota State University
- Scripps Research Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics Graduate Program
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Samuel Gale
- University of Minnesota
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Cereal Disease Laboratory
- Cereal Disease Lab
- US Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service-Plant Science Research Unit
- U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
External person
Jorge Dubcovsky
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- University of California at Davis
External person
Boulos Chalhoub
- Laboratory of Genome Organization
- Organization and Evolution of Plant Genomes
- Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- Monsanto SAS
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Dominique Brunel
- French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Harold E. Bockelman
- United States Department of Agriculture
- USDAARS National Small Grains Germplasm Research Facility
- Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit
External person
Kerrie Forrest
- State Government of Victoria
- AgriBio
- AgriBiosciences Center
- Centre for AgriBioscience
- Department of Environment and Primary Industries
- Department of Primary Industries Victoria
- Department of Environment and Primary Industries
External person
Zoltán Bedo
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Agriculture Institute
- Eötvös Loránd Research Network
- Centre for Agricultural Research
External person
Brent S. Hulke
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Minnesota
- Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
J. Layton
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Josh Kielsmeier-Cook
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
C. Yaghoubian
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
J. Birkes
- University of Missouri
- USDA-ARS Plant Genet. Research Unit
- Department of Agronomy
External person
Camille Rustenholz
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Stéphane Schlub
- French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
External person
Rustam Matnyazov
- Kansas State University
- Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Scientific Center RAS
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Arnaud Couloux
- French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
- Centre Nationale de Séquençage
- Institut de Génomique
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Universite Paris-Saclay
- Genoscope
- Universite d'Evry
External person
Guangbin Luo
- Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering
- Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- University of Copenhagen
External person
W. A. Berzonsky
- North Dakota State University
- South Dakota State University
- Bayer CropScience Research Station
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Plant Science Department
- Bayer Corporation - USA
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Plant Science
External person
Daryl L. Klindworth
- United States Department of Agriculture
- North Dakota State University
- Cereal Crops Research
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Entomology
- USDA-Agricultural Research Service
External person
Joel K. Ransom
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- NDSU Dept. 7670 Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Rémy Schoppach
- Universite Catholique de Louvain
- Earth and Life Institute
- Graduate School of Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
- Stress Agronomy Group
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person
Meriem Aoun
- North Dakota State University
- Dep. Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
External person
Phil L. Bruckner
- Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- Montana State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
External person
Justin O. Borevitz
- Australian National University
- University of Chicago
- Research School of Biology
- Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology
- Department of Evolution and Ecology
- Department of Ecology and Evolution
- Department of Evolution and Ecology
- Department of Ecology & Evolution and Computation Institute
External person
L. J. Wade
- Charles Sturt University
- Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
- The University of Queensland
- School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
- E. H. Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
- E. H. Graham Center
External person
Suraj Sapkota
- University of Georgia Griffin Campus
- University of Georgia
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
U. Gill
- Washington State University
- Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- Plant Biology Division
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
- North Dakota State University
External person
Lindsay W. Bell
- CSIRO Agriculture and Food
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
External person
A. M H Ibrahim
- Texas A&M University
- Dep. of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
External person
A. E. Van Deynze
- Cornell University
- University of California at Davis
- AgriFood Canada
- Seed Biotechnology Center
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
External person
Amy N. Bernardo
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Jose Costa
- University of Maryland
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Department of Agriculture
- NRSL Dep.
- Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
- Univ. of Maryland
External person
Peter F. Stadler
- Santa Fe Institute
- Leipzig University
- Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
- Fraunhofer Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie
- University of Vienna
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics
- Department of Theoretical Chemistry
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI
- Department of Theoretical Chemistry
- Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics
- Lund University
External person
C. K. Evans
- Utah State University
- University of Minnesota
- Plant Pathology Dep.
- Department of Biology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
External person
Ajay Kumar
- North Dakota State University
- New York University
- North Dakota State University
External person
R. F. Park
- University of Sydney
- Australian Cereal Rust Control Program
- Plant Breeding Institute
External person
M. J. Wentz
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Anne Kjersti Uhlen
- Nofima
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Norwegian University of Lifesciences
External person
David Langenberger
- Leipzig University
- Department of Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics
- ecSeq Bioinformatics GmbH
External person
F. Hu
- Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- Food Crops Research Institute
- Yunnan University
External person
Zennah C. Kosgey
- University of Minnesota
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
External person
J. P. Cook
- Montana State University
- Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
- University of Missouri
- Division of Plant Sciences
External person
Etienne Paux
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales
- Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales
- Genetics Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals
- Universite d'Auvergne
- INRA-UBP 1095
- Clermont Université
External person
Noah DeWitt
- North Carolina State University
- Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
External person
S. V.Krishna Jagadish
- Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute (FBRI), Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409, USA.
External person
Brian S. Beecher
- Washington State University
- University of Nebraska
- USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory
- Dep. of Agronomy and Horticulture
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
External person
Chenggen Chu
- Heartland Plant Innovations Inc.
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Texas A&M University
External person
Isaac Rodríguez-Arévalo
- Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
External person
S. S. Maan
- North Dakota State University
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Eric Olson
- Michigan State University
- North Carolina State University
- Kansas State University
- University of Maryland
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Dep. of Crop Science
- Department of Plant
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Crop Sciences
External person
Jeremy Schmutz
- HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
- Stanford University
- HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology
- United States Department of Energy
- Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology
- HudsonAlpha Genome Sequencing Center
- US Department of Energy (DoE)
- HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
External person
A. J. Lukaszewski
- University of California at Riverside
- College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
External person
Raed I. Seetan
- North Dakota State University
- University of Minnesota
- Slippery Rock University
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Science and Technology
- Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
- North Dakota State University
External person
Catherine Feuillet
- Universite Blaise Pascal
- Bayer
- INRA Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
- Bayer CropScience
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Genetics Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals
- Crop Science Division
- Bayer Corporation - USA
- Crop Science Division
- INRA-UBP 1095
External person
Habibollah Ghazvini
- AgriFood Canada
- Seed and Plant Improvement Research Institute, Karaj
External person
Andrew H. Paterson
- University of Georgia
- Texas A&M University
- Cornell University
- Department of Plant Breeding
- Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory
- Department of Crop and Soil Science
- Dep. of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
- Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry
External person
Katharina Jandrasits
- Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
External person
Colin R. Cavanagh
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Plant Industry and Food Futures National Research Flagship
External person
Wen Hao Su
- China Agricultural University
- University of California at Davis
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
External person
Matthew Reynolds
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
- Genetic Resources and Enhancement Unit
External person
Xianming Chen
- Washington State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- U. States Dept. Agric.-Agric. R.
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Department of Plant Pathology
- Wheat Genetics, Physiology, Quality, and Disease Research Unit
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
Q. J. Song
- United States Department of Agriculture
- University of Maryland
- Nanjing Agricultural University
- Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory
- Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
- Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory
External person
Daniel J. Kliebenstein
- University of California at Davis
- University of California Office of the President
- University of Copenhagen
- Department of Plant Sciences
- DynaMo Center of Excellence
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Genetics Graduate Group and Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
External person
Fei He
- Kansas State University
- Department of Plant Pathology
- China Agricultural University
- Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
X. Chen
- U. States Dept. Agric.-Agric. R.
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Washington State University
- USDA-ARS Wheat Genetics
External person
Valentina Spanic
- Agricultural Institute Osijek
- Department for Breeding & Genetics of Small Cereal Crops
External person
Gregory J. Baute
- University of British Columbia
- Department of Botany
- Biodiversity Research Centre and Dep. of Botany
External person
Xiuying Kong
- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement
External person
Kathryn Turner
- Land Institute
- University of Minnesota
- Dep. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
External person