1993 …2020

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


The Fingerprint is created by mining the titles and abstracts of the person's research outputs and projects/funding awards to create an index of weighted terms from discipline-specific thesauri.
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  • Measurement of neutrino-induced neutral-current coherent π0 production in the NOvA near detector

    NOvA Collaboration, Jul 1 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 1, 012004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Search for Sterile Neutrinos in MINOS and MINOS+ Using a Two-Detector Fit

    (MINOS+ Collaboration), Mar 6 2019, In: Physical review letters. 122, 9, 091803.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    131 Scopus citations
  • Determination of the number of ψ(3686) events at BESIII

    Wang, Y. D., Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Ai, X. C., Ambrose, D. J., Amoroso, A., An, F. F., An, Q., Bai, J. Z., Baldini Ferroli, R., Ban, Y., Bennett, J. V., Bertani, M., Bian, J. M., Boger, E., Bondarenko, O., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Cai, H. & Cai, X. & 30 others, Cakir, O., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cetin, S. A., Chang, J. F., Chelkov, G., Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, J. C., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, X., Chen, X. R., Chen, Y. B., Chu, X. K., Chu, Y. P., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dedovich, D., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., Ding, Y., Dong, C., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y. & Du, S. X., Feb 2018, In: Chinese Physics C. 42, 2, 023001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    77 Scopus citations
  • New constraints on oscillation parameters from νe appearance and νμ disappearance in the NOvA experiment

    Acero, M. A., Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Alion, T., Allakhverdian, V., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Aurisano, A., Back, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Balashov, N., Bambah, B. A., Bays, K., Behera, B., Bending, S., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V. & Bhuyan, B. & 172 others, Bian, J., Blackburn, T., Blair, J., Bolshakova, A., Bour, P., Bromberg, C., Brown, J., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Bychkov, V., Campbell, M., Carroll, T. J., Catano-Mur, E., Cedeno, A., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Cronin-Hennessy, D. P., Davies, G. S., Davies, J. P., De Rijck, S., Derwent, P. F., Dharmapalan, R., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Dukes, E. C., Dung, P., Duyang, H., Edayath, S., Ehrlich, R., Feldman, G. J., Frank, M. J., Gallagher, H. R., Gandrajula, R., Gao, F., Germani, S., Giri, A., Gomes, R. A., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Groh, M., Group, R., Grover, D., Guo, B., Habig, A. T., Hakl, F., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Heller, K., Himmel, A., Holin, A., Howard, B., Huang, J., Hylen, J., Jediny, F., Judah, M., Kakorin, I., Kalra, D., Kaplan, D. M., Keloth, R., Klimov, O., Koerner, L. W., Kolupaeva, L., Kotelnikov, S., Kourbanis, I., Kreymer, A., Kulenberg, C., Kumar, A., Kuruppu, C., Kus, V., Lackey, T., Lang, K., Lin, S., Lokajicek, M., Lozier, J., Luchuk, S., Maan, K., Magill, S., Mann, W. A., Marshak, M. L., Matveev, V., Méndez, D. P., Messier, M. D., Meyer, H., Miao, T., Miller, W. H., Mishra, S. R., Mislivec, A. R., Mohanta, R., Moren, A., Mualem, L., Muether, M., Mufson, S., Murphy, R., Musser, J., Naples, D., Nayak, N., Nelson, J. K., Nichol, R., Niner, E., Norman, A., Nosek, T., Oksuzian, Y., Olshevskiy, A., Olson, T., Paley, J., Patterson, R. B., Pawloski, G. J., Pershey, D., Petrova, O., Petti, R., Phan-Budd, S., Plunkett, R. K., Potukuchi, B., Principato, C., Psihas, F., Radovic, A., Rameika, R. A., Rebel, B., Rojas, P., Ryabov, V., Sachdev, K., Samoylov, O., Sanchez, M. C., Sepulveda-Quiroz, J., Shanahan, P., Sheshukov, A., Singh, P., Singh, V., Smith, E., Smolik, J., Snopok, P., Solomey, N., Song, E., Sousa, A., Soustruznik, K., Strait, M. L., Suter, L., Talaga, R. L., Tas, P., Thayyullathil, R. B., Thomas, J., Tiras, E., Tognini, S. C., Torbunov, D., Tripathi, J., Tsaris, A., Torun, Y., Urheim, J., Vahle, P., Vasel, J., Vinton, L., Vokac, P., Vold, A., Vrba, T., Wang, B., Warburton, T. K., Wetstein, M., Whittington, D., Wojcicki, S. G., Wolcott, J., Yang, S., Yu, S., Zalesak, J., Zamorano, B. & Zwaska, R., Aug 1 2018, In: Physical Review D. 98, 3, 032012.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    168 Scopus citations
  • Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from νe Appearance and νμ Disappearance in NOvA

    Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Ambrose, D., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Augsten, K., Aurisano, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Bambah, B. A., Bays, K., Behera, B., Bending, S., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Blackburn, T. & Bolshakova, A. & 31 others, Bromberg, C., Brown, J., Brunetti, G., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Bychkov, V., Campbell, M., Catano-Mur, E., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Coelho, J. A. B., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Davies, G. S., Davies, J. P., Derwent, P. F., Dharmapalan, R., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Habig, A., Heller, K., Marshak, M. L., Pawloski, G., Poling, R., Strait, M. & (NOvA Collaboration), Jun 5 2017, In: Physical Review Letters. 118, 23, 231801.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    163 Scopus citations