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Computational and Experimental Investigations of Martian Brines as Prebiotic Environments
Engelhart, A. E. (PI)
10/1/22 → 9/30/24
Project: Research project
UV-Induced DNA Damage as a Means of Measuring Exoplanet Habitability
Engelhart, A. E. (PI)
10/1/21 → 9/30/23
Project: Research project
Live-cell investigations of Interactions between drug-like molecules and G-Quadruplexes in mRNA
Engelhart, A. E. (PI)
9/9/20 → 9/8/22
Project: Research project
Cell-free investigations of Interactions between drug-like molecules and G-Quadruplexes in mRNA
Engelhart, A. E. (PI)
9/9/20 → 9/8/22
Project: Research project
Fluorescent RNA in space: High school student-designed experiments to probe the impact of spaceflight on human health
Engelhart, A. E. (PI)
1/1/19 → 12/31/19
Project: Research project
Georgia Tech Center for Origin of Life-Translation, Evolution and Mutualism
Engelhart, A. E. (PI), Adamala, K. (CoI) & Travisano, M. (CoI)
GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Nat'l Aeronautics & Space Admin. (NASA)
6/15/18 → 6/14/23
Project: Research project