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Mahsa Abassi
- Medicine - Infectious Disease and International Medicine - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty
Abdennour ABBAS
- Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering - Associate Professor
- Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
Ryan H Abdella
- Chemical and Structural Biology (BMBB) - Post-Doctoral Associate
Person: Professionals-in-Training
Fuad R Abdulla
- Medicine - Hematology, Oncology, Transplant - Research Professional 3
Person: Researchers
Isahaq Abdullahi
- Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health - Fetal Medicine - Medical Fellow
Person: Professionals-in-Training
Misghina D Abraha
- Medicine - Veteran's Administration Medical Center - Assistant Professor
Person: Medical School Affiliates
Jean M Abraham
- Health Policy and Management - Professor, Head
- Minnesota Population Center
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Juan E Abrahante Llorens
- Research Computing - Research Professional 6
- University of Minnesota Informatics Institute
Person: Researchers
Lucille M Abrams
- Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems - Post-Doctoral Associate
Person: Professionals-in-Training
Jeffrey F Abuzzahab
- Administration (CEHD) - Information Technology Supervisor
Person: Academic Administrative Staff
Elizabeth S Aby
- Medicine - Gastro, Hepatology, Nutrition Division - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty
Princess E Ackland
- Medicine - Veteran's Administration Medical Center - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Selcuk Adabag
Person: Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Philip A Adalikwu
- Institute on the Environment - Post-Doctoral Associate
Person: Professionals-in-Training
Pita Adam
Person: Faculty
Kate Adamala
- Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (CBS) - Associate Professor
- Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (TMED) - Associate Professor
- Genetics Mechanisms of Cancer
Person: Member, Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Meredith E Adams
- Otolaryngology - Associate Professor
- Neurosurgery - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Min M Addy
- Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering - Research Associate Professor
Person: Research Faculty