- 100 - 150 out of 9,028 results
Search results
Madhukar Rao Airineni
- Electrical and Computer Engineering - Post-Doctoral Associate
Person: Professionals-in-Training
Aren Z Aizura
- Gender, Women and Sexuality - Associate Professor, Chair
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Eyup Akgun
- Institute for Therapeutics Discovery and Development - Research Professional 6
Person: Researchers
Akinbolaji Akingbola
- Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty
Bimaje Akpa
- Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - Assistant Professor
Person: Faculty
Alptekin Aksan
- Mechanical Engineering - Professor
- Cellular Mechanisms of Cancer
- Advanced Technologies for Preservation of Biological Systems
Person: Member, Faculty
Mustafa N al'Absi
- Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health - Professor
- Administration (DMED) - Leader
- Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - Professor
- Screening, Prevention, Etiology & Cancer Survivorship
Person: Member, Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Amer Alam
- The Hormel Institute - Associate Professor
- Cellular Mechanisms of Cancer
Person: Member, Faculty
Frank W Albert
- Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (CBS) - Associate Professor
- Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (TMED) - Associate Professor
Person: Faculty, Medical School Affiliates
Jeffrey H Albrecht
Person: Member, Faculty
Sara R Alcorn
- Radiation Oncology - Associate Professor
- Screening, Prevention, Etiology & Cancer Survivorship
Person: Member, Faculty
Bruce H Alexander
- Environmental Health Sciences - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Catherine Y Alexander
- Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences - Research Professional 6
Person: Researchers
Nicola A Alexander
- Administration (CEHD) - Associate Dean
Person: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Elizabeth E Alexson
- Natural Resources Research Institute - Research Professional 5
Person: Researchers
Syed Shahzaib Ali
- Institute for Health Informatics - Research Professional 5
- Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
Person: Researchers
Constantin Aliferis, MD, PhD
- Institute for Health Informatics - Professor
- Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
- Genetics Mechanisms of Cancer
Person: Member, Faculty
Matthew T Aliota
- Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences - Associate Professor
- Institute for Molecular Virology
- Host-Pathogen Interface Biology
Person: Faculty
Graham T Allan
- Research Computing - Research Director
- Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
- GEMS Informatics Initiative
Person: Research Support
Jennifer J Allan
- Physics and Astronomy (Twin Cities) - Communications Professional
Person: Other Professionals