- 700 - 750 out of 9,029 results
Search results
Dario Bilardello
- Earth and Environmental Sciences-Twin Cities - Research Associate Professor
Person: Research Faculty
Joanne L Billings
- Administration (RIO) - Associate Vice President
- Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - Associate Professor
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Barbara Billington
- Academic Affairs/Provost - Education Program Specialist
Person: Academic Professionals
Charles J Billington
Person: Faculty
Angela Birnbaum
- Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology - Professor
- Medical Laboratory Sciences - Head
- Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment, and the Life Sciences
Person: Member, Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Turan Birol
- Chemical Engineering and Materials Science - Associate Professor
- Materials Research Science & Engineering Center
Person: Faculty
Bryan Birtcil
- Center for Animal Health and Food Safety - Research Professional 5
Person: Research Support
Alexander Bisch
- Family Medicine and Community Health (Twin Cities) - Medical Fellow
Person: Professionals-in-Training
John C Bischof
- Mechanical Engineering - Professor
- Health Sciences Administration - Leader
- Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
- Surgery - Adjunct Professor
- Cellular Mechanisms of Cancer
- Advanced Technologies for Preservation of Biological Systems - Director
- Institute for Engineering in Medicine - Director
- Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment, and the Life Sciences
Person: Member, Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff, Adjunct Faculty
Carolyn M Bishoff
- Sciences, Agriculture, and Engineering - Associate Librarian
Person: Libraries Staff
Jeffrey R Bishop
- Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology - Professor
- Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Faculty, Adjunct Faculty
Arpan Biswas
- Pediatric Blood & Marrow Transplant & Cellular Therapy - Post-Doctoral Associate
Person: Professionals-in-Training
David L Blackwell
- Research Animal Resources - Animal Husbandry Professional 2
Person: Research Support
Robert B Blair
- Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology - Professor, Head
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Joan M Blakey
- Social Work (Twin Cities) - Professor, Director
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Robert A Blanchette
Person: Faculty, Honorary Staff
David A Blank
- Administration (CSENG) - Associate Dean
- Chemistry (Twin Cities) - Professor
- Materials Research Science & Engineering Center
Person: Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff
Chelsey Blanke
- Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology - Research Professional 5
Person: Researchers
Bruce R Blazar
- Health Sciences Administration - Associate Vice President
- Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
- Pediatric Blood & Marrow Transplant & Cellular Therapy - Regents Professor
- Transplant and Cellular Therapy
- Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment, and the Life Sciences
Person: Member, Faculty, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Staff