
    Equipment/facility: Service

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      The University Imaging Centers and University of Minnesota Genomics Center are excited to announce the arrival of Spatialomics at the University of Minnesota.

      Spatialomics technology is an exciting new collaborative frontier between the UIC and UMGC that will provide new avenues for researchers to increase their understanding of cells in their morphological context. The relationship between cells and their relative locations within a tissue sample can be critical to understanding disease pathology. Spatialomics allows scientists to measure all the gene activity in a tissue sample and map where the activity is occurring. Already this technology is leading to new discoveries that will prove instrumental in helping scientists gain a better understanding of biological processes and disease.


      Explore the research areas in which this asset has been used. These labels are generated based on the related outputs. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
      • Spatial mapping of cellular senescence: emerging challenges and opportunities

        Gurkar, A. U., Gerencser, A. A., Mora, A. L., Nelson, A. C., Zhang, A. R., Lagnado, A. B., Enninful, A., Benz, C., Furman, D., Beaulieu, D., Jurk, D., Thompson, E. L., Wu, F., Rodriguez, F., Barthel, G., Chen, H., Phatnani, H., Heckenbach, I., Chuang, J. H. & Horrell, J. & 25 others, Petrescu, J., Alder, J. K., Lee, J. H., Niedernhofer, L. J., Kumar, M., Königshoff, M., Bueno, M., Sokka, M., Scheibye-Knudsen, M., Neretti, N., Eickelberg, O., Adams, P. D., Hu, Q., Zhu, Q., Porritt, R. A., Dong, R., Peters, S., Victorelli, S., Pengo, T., Khaliullin, T., Suryadevara, V., Fu, X., Bar-Joseph, Z., Ji, Z. & Passos, J. F., Jul 2023, In: Nature Aging. 3, 7, p. 776-790 15 p.

        Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

        Open Access
        26 Scopus citations