Light Microscopy

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

      Asset Details


      University Imaging Centers: Nikon Center of Excellence

      The University Imaging Centers is a Nikon Center of Excellence(link is external). Nikon recognizes the UIC as a state-of-the-art microscopy resource that is mutually beneficial for both the University and Nikon. As a Nikon Center of Excellence, the UIC makes cutting-edge imaging tools accessible to the local scientific community and serves as a platform for the free exchange of ideas, methodologies, and technologies between investigators and Nikon toward the mutual goals of advancing research and developing new technologies. Nikon firmly believes that these types of partnerships between Academia and Industry are critically important for the rapid advancement of science and technology.

      Laser scanning confocal microscopes with multiphoton capabilities (two)
      Single photon confocal microscopes (six, three with spectral unmixing)
      Super resolution Structured Illumination microscope (SIM)
      Spinning disk confocal microscope
      Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscope
      Fluorescent spectral meso-confocal microscope
      Automated widefield microscopes
      High speed ribbon confocal microscope
      Light Sheet microscope

      Spectral scans
      High-content widefield and confocal plate imaging
      FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)
      FRAP (Fluorescence Recover After Photobleaching)
      FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging)
      SHG (Second Harmonic Generation) Imaging
      Multi-channel live cell time-lapse
      diSPIM light sheet


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