This is the dataset and codes used to make main figures of Tanioka and Matsumoto (2020), Stability of marine organic matter respiration stoichiometry. <em>Geophysical Research Letters</em>, 47,
1. SupportInfo_T6_pdf = Macromolecule Data used to make Figure S8 in the supporting Information.
2. Data_Finkel16_Pone.mat = Phytoplankton macromolecule data used to make Figure 3a in the main text
3. montecarlo_result.mat = Result of Monte Carlo Simulation used to make histogram in Figure 3b in the main text
4. analyze_Finkel.m = MATLAB code used to make Figure 3a and 3b in the main text. Updated on 2019-12-20. RQ is now in units of mol C/mol O2.
1. SupportInfo_T6_pdf = Macromolecule Data used to make Figure S8 in the supporting Information.
2. Data_Finkel16_Pone.mat = Phytoplankton macromolecule data used to make Figure 3a in the main text
3. montecarlo_result.mat = Result of Monte Carlo Simulation used to make histogram in Figure 3b in the main text
4. analyze_Finkel.m = MATLAB code used to make Figure 3a and 3b in the main text. Updated on 2019-12-20. RQ is now in units of mol C/mol O2.
Date made available | 2019 |
Publisher | ZENODO |