Spotted-wing Drosophila Flight Response in Free Flight and Tethered Flight Mill



Winter and summer morph Drosophila suzukii flight behavior on a tethered flight mill and free flight chamber was documented. The purpose of this data were to document the limitations, benefits, and effects the two methods could have on assessing an insect’s flight capacity.

The data set contains flight behaviors of lab-reared summer and winter morphs Drosophila suzukii on a tethered flight mill and in a free flight chamber. For tethered flight mill we recorded propensity (flight or no flight), velocity, density, and duration of flight. For the free flight chamber we recorded propensity, phototaxis (flight towards sunlight cue), bouts (the number of take-offs), and duration of flight.

Funding information
Sponsorship: Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (through the the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund;
Date made availableMay 2 2022
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionJan 22 2021 - Apr 9 2021

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