SNP data of 18SPA092-1 and 25 reference isolates of the wheat stem rust fungus, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici

  • Pablo D Olivera Firpo (Creator)
  • Dolors Villegas (Creator)
  • Carlos Cantero-Martínez (Creator)
  • Les J Szabo (Creator)
  • Matthew N Rouse (Creator)
  • Douglas Luster (Creator)
  • Radhika Bartaula (Creator)
  • Marta Lopes (Creator)
  • Yue Jin (Creator)



This dataset includes 1838 SNP loci of 26 isolates of the wheat stem rust fungus, Puccina graminis f .sp. tritici. This data was used to assess the genetic relationship of a unique fungal isolate (18SPA092-1, race TKHBK) derived from a wheat stem rust sample collected in Spain in 2018 with a set of 25 reference isolates from previously defined genetic clades. Results indicate that isolate 18SPA092-1 had a unique multilocus genotype and constitutes a previously unknown lineage. Data is being released now in conjunction with publication of a primary research paper that describes this work.

In the excel file, we provide the data of the 1838 loci from a custom Illumina SNP array (PgtSNP 3.0 K chip) after filtering loci with monomorphic and missing data.

Funding information
Sponsorship: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UK Aid from the British People (OPP1133199)

Referenced by
Olivera P.D., Villegas, D., Cantero-Martinez, C., Szabo, L.J., Roouse, M.N., Luster, D.G., Bartaula, R., Lopes, M.S., and Jin, Y. 2022. A unique race of the wheat stem rust pathogen with virulence on Sr31 identified in Spain and reaction of wheat and durum cultivars to this race. Plant Pathology. (In press).
Date made availableFeb 4 2022
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionFeb 10 2019 - Dec 1 2021

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