These files contain data and R code (along with associated output from running the code) supporting all results reported in: Mech, D. and J. Fieberg. 2014. Growth Rates and Variances of Unexploited Wolf Populations in Dynamic Equilibria. Wildlife Society Bulletin. In Mech and Fieberg (2014), we analyzed natural, long-term, wolf-population-density trajectories totaling 130 years of data from three areas: Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior, Michigan; the east-central Superior National Forest in northeastern Minnesota; and Denali National Park, Alaska. We fit density-independent and Ricker models to each time series, allowing for 3 different assumptions regarding observation error (no error, Poisson or Log-normal observation error). We suggest estimates of the population-dynamic parameters can serve as benchmarks for comparison with those calculated from other wolf populations repopulating other areas.
Date made available | 2014 |
Publisher | Data Repository for the University of Minnesota |