Finite element method (FEM) models for translational research in non-invasive brain stimulation

  • Ivan Alekseichuk (Creator)
  • Sina Shirinpour (Creator)
  • Alexander Opitz (Creator)



Finite element method (FEM) models for non-invasive brain stimulation modeling using SimNIBS or other compatible software.
The mouse and monkey models are described in detail in Alekseichuk et al., Comparative modeling of transcranial magnetic and electric stimulation in mouse, monkey, and human, NeuroImage 2019.
The Petri dish model follows a typical experimental setup for in-vitro TMS, similar to what is described in Lenz et al. Repetitive magnetic stimulation induces plasticity of inhibitory synapses, Nature Communications 2016.

The following files are included:
1. Brain tissue slice in a Petri dish.
2. Normal adult male nude mouse "Digimouse" (brain volume of 0.38 cm3).
3. Normal adult male capuchin monkey "S" (brain volume of 68.31 cm3).

The models include the following tissues (coded with numbers):
1. White matter volume
2. Grey matter volume
3. CSF volume
4. Skull volume
5. Soft tissues volume
8. Eyeballs volume
1001. White matter outer surfaces
1002. Grey matter outer surfaces
1003. CSF outer surfaces
1004. Skull outer surfaces
1005. Soft tissues outer surfaces
1008. Eyeballs outer surfaces

With any questions, please, contact the corresponding authors of the relevant papers or [email protected] (Alexander Opitz).
Date made available2020

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