Data supporting the comparison of golden-winged warbler and American woodcock productivity in northern Minnesota, USA

  • Gunnar R. Kramer (Creator)
  • Sean M. Peterson (Creator)
  • Kyle O Daly (Creator)
  • Henry M Streby (Creator)
  • David E Andersen (Creator)



Spatially explicit predicted reproductive output for golden-winged warblers and American woodcock at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota, USA used to compare reproductive output of woodcock and warblers in Kramer et al. (2019; DOI: Models developed by Peterson (2014:,Peterson et al. (2016) rely on raw demographic data for golden-winged warblers collected and reported by Peterson (2014; Models developed by Kramer (2017; and Kramer et al. (in press) use raw demographic data for American woodcock collected and reported by Daly (2014;

See ReadMe.txt for detailed description of files. Files include model-predicted productivity for both species (raster), digitized land-cover type classification of study area (shapefile), predicted productivity of both species at observed nesting sites, and R code to make the statistical comparisons and produce the graphs in Kramer et al. (2019).
Date made available2019
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionMay 1 2010 - Aug 31 2013

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