Data for The colloidal nature of complex fluids enhances bacterial motility

  • Shashank Kamdar (Creator)
  • Seunghwan Shin (Creator)
  • Premkumar Leishangthem (Creator)
  • Lorraine F Francis (Creator)
  • Xinliang Xu (Creator)
  • Xiang Cheng (Creator)



Data appearing in the publication "The colloidal nature of complex fluids enhances bacterial motility". This paper reports the enhanced motion of bacteria in complex fluids. The archived data are the post-processed final data corresponding to figures in the manuscript as well as codes used for generating key plots.

Funding information
Sponsorship: IPRIME at University at Minnesota. US National Science Foundation CBET-1702352 and 2028652
Date made availableJan 19 2022
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota

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