Data Curation Network End User Survey 2021

  • Sara Wright (Creator)
  • Lisa R Johnston (Creator)
  • Wanda R Marsolek (Creator)
  • Hoa Luong (Creator)
  • Susan Braxton (Creator)
  • Sophia Lafferty-Hess (Creator)
  • Joel Herndon (Creator)
  • Jake Carlson (Creator)



This dataset includes the processed dataset from the 2021 End User Survey performed by the Data Curation Network.

The survey was implemented in Qualtrics and distributed to depositors within 6 Data Curation Network institutions repositories - Cornell University eCommons, Duke University Research Data Repository, Johns Hopkins University Data Archive, Illinois Data Bank, University of Illinois, University of Michigan Deep Blue Data, and the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM). The survey population included researchers who have deposited a dataset with repositories at the above institutions between January 1, 2019 to March 15, 2021. The survey ran for about 2 weeks at each institution between April-June 2021. Each survey participant response was linked to a submitted dataset and DOI for the purposes of future analysis and identification. A subset of additional questions were also asked by two institutions, Duke and Michigan, for internal planning assessment purposes and have been included for others to use/reuse. All survey data was de-identified prior to sharing. Each institution completed the IRB process at their respective institutions.

Funding information
Sponsorship: Alfred P Sloan Foundation “Launching the Data Curation Network”
Date made availableSep 28 2021
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionApr 2021 - Jun 2021

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