Conformational rearrangements enable iterative backbone 𝑁-methylation in RiPP biosynthesis



The data deposited here are raw files, R code and mass spec, associated with the results presented in the paper, "Conformational rearrangements enable iterative backbone N-methylation in RiPP biosynthesis." These data have been made publicly available in keeping with the journal's data availability policy.

R Code: Supplementary Data 1. Code for running kinetics simulations File name: Supplementary Data 1.R Mass Spectrometry .raw files: Supplementary Figure 4a-c. Mass spectrometric analysis of split borosin coexpressions. File name: 20200110_FSM1167_SonA+SonM_24.5min.raw Supplementary Figure 4d-j. Mass spectrometric analysis of split borosin coexpressions. File name: 20200909_KC1063_StrA+StrM_15min_redalk_18pm4.raw Supplementary Figure 16. SonM in vitro reactions analyzed by LC-MS/MS and compared to kinetic model simulations. File names: 20200220_FSM1178_kineticmodeling_t=2.raw 20200220_FSM1179_kineticmodeling_t=2.raw 20200220_FSM1180_kineticmodeling_t=8.raw 20200220_FSM1181_kineticmodeling_t=8.raw 20200220_FSM1182_kineticmodeling_t=20.raw 20200220_FSM1183_kineticmodeling_t=20.raw 20200220_FSM1184_kineticmodeling_t=40.raw 20200220_FSM1185_kineticmodeling_t=40.raw 20200220_FSM1186_kineticmodeling_t=60.raw 20200220_FSM1187_kineticmodeling_t=60.raw Supplementary Figure 25a. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190701_kc1007_His-SonA_Y93F.raw Supplementary Figure 25b. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190515_fsm1155_his-SonA-sonMT-R67K.raw Supplementary Figure 25c. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190515_fsm1154_his-sonA_sonMTR67A.raw Supplementary Figure 25d. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190701_kc1008_His-SonA_Y58F.raw Supplementary Figure 25e. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190515_fsm1156_his-sonA-SonMT-Y71F.raw Supplementary Figure 25f. Mass spectrometric analysis of SonM mutant in vitro reactions. File name: 20190701_kc1009_His-SonA_DBLMUT.raw

Funding information
Sponsorship: National Institutes of Health (R35 GM133475 to M.F.F.) and the University of Minnesota along with the BioTechnology Institute (M.F.F., M.H.E., W.A.H.)
Date made availableJul 30 2021
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota

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