Comparison of oxygen induced retinopathy transcriptomes between Sprague Dawley rats from two vendors



We performed RNA sequencing on whole retinal lysates from Sprague Dawley rat pups from Charles River Laboratories and Envigo that underwent the Penn 50/10 oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model or were room air (RA) controls. RA control and 50/10 OIR retinas underwent next-generation RNA sequencing, n=4/ group. Pairwise comparisons were performed to generate differentially expressed genes between OIR and control groups from the two vendors during the avascular phase of OIR (postnatal day 15) and the neovascular phase (postnatal day 20). 6 sheets included: 1. P15 RA controls Envigo vs RA controls CRL (Envigos used as denominator, a.k.a CRL/Envigo) 2. P20 RA controls Envigo vs RA controls CRL (Envigos used as denominator, a.k.a CRL/Envigo) 3. P15 RA vs OIR CRL (RA= room air control. DEGs as OIR/RA) 4. P20 RA vs OIR CRL (DEGs as OIR/RA) 5. P15 RA vs OIR Envigo (DEGs as OIR/RA) 6. P20 RA vs OIR Envigo (DEGs as OIR/RA)
Date made availableMar 23 2023
PublisherMendeley Data

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