Behavioral scans of group-housed sows with or without enrichment, at the UMN Waseca facility in April 2019

  • Perle E Zhitnitskiy (Creator)
  • Claire M. H. A. Terreaux (Creator)
  • Hannah N Phillips (Creator)
  • Beth Ventura (Creator)



Four pens of gestating sows from the University of Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center were randomly allocated to receive either enrichment or no enrichment (control) in a 2 by 2 crossover design. Time budgets were established by video recording focal sows’ behaviors (n=10 focals per pen) every 15 minutes between 0800 and 1500 every day. Enrichment use was further characterized by continuous behavior sampling for a 1-h interval between 0830 and 0930 each day. It is released because the manuscript is submitted for publication.

Data files are two Excel spreadsheets, one including the continuous data, the other for the sporadic one. Lameness, parity and presence of stereoptypies are collected.

Funding information
Sponsorship: Educational Leadership Grant, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota
Date made available2020
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionApr 22 2019 - Apr 30 2019

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