Access Across America: Bike 2019 Data



These data were created as part of a study that examined the accessibility to jobs by bicycling in the 50 largest (by population) metropolitan areas in the United States. It is the most detailed evaluation to date of access to jobs by biking, and incorporates a Level of Traffic Stress analysis to allow calculation of access to jobs on bike networks of different traffic stress tolerances. This dataset allows for a direct comparison of the biking accessibility performance of America's largest metropolitan areas. These data are part of a longitudinal study. Access Across America: Bike 2017 data are available at, however the 2017 version of this dataset was produced without implementation of Level of Traffic Stress analysis, and the methodologies differ substantially.

Downloads are available for individual metropolitan regions, as well as states, in open-source Geopackage format. Each ZIP file for a region or area contains four individual Geopackage files -- one for each of the four Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) categories used in the study (1, 2, 3, 4).

Funding information
Sponsorship: Sponsorship: Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota
Date made available2021
PublisherData Repository for the University of Minnesota
Date of data productionJan 1 2019 - Sep 1 2019

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